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Geochemistry and metamorphic evolution of the Pohorje Mountain eclogites from the easternmost Austroalpine basement of the Eastern Alps (Northern Slovenia)
Authors:Raffaele Sassi  Claudio Mazzoli  Christine Miller
Affiliation:a Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Università di Padova, Corso Garibaldi 37, 35137 Padua, Italy
b Ist. Geoscienze Georisorse, CNR, C.so Garibaldi 37, 35137 Padua, Italy
c Inst. für Mineralogie und Petrographie, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Abstract:Kyanite-rich and quartz-rich eclogites occur as lenses within amphibolite-facies quartzo-feldspathic gneisses in the Pohorje Mountains, Northern Slovenia, that form the easternmost Austroalpine basement. Major and trace elements indicate that the kyanite-rich eclogites were derived from plagioclase-rich gabbroic cumulates, whereas the quartz-rich eclogites represent more fractionated basaltic compositions. Both varieties are characterized by a LREE-depleted N-MORB type REE signature. Geothermobarometry and P-T pseudosections indicate that eclogites equilibrated at 1.8-2.5 GPa and 630-700 °C, consistently with the lack of coesite and with equilibration conditions of the chemically similar eclogites from the adjacent basement units at Koralpe and Saualpe type localities. Decompression reaction textures include (i) clinopyroxene-plagioclase intergrowths after omphacite, (ii) replacement of kyanite by corundum-plagioclase-spinel±sapphirine symplectites, (iii) breakdown of phengite to biotite-plagioclase sapphirine symplectites. The results of this study indicate that Koralpe, Saualpe and Pohorje high-pressure rocks represent former MORB-type oceanic crust that was subducted in the course of the late Cretaceous (approximately 100 Ma ago) collision between the European and the Apulian plates.
Keywords:Kyanite eclogite   Geochemistry   P-T conditions   Pohorje   Slovenia
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