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Metamorphic petrology of the Barchi–Kol metabasites, western Kokchetav ultrahigh-pressure–high-pressure massif, northern Kazakhstan
Authors:Hideki Masago
Affiliation:Division of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1O Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan (email:;)
Abstract:Abstract In the Barchi–Kol area, located at the westernmost part of the Kokchetav ultrahigh pressure (UHP) to high-pressure (HP) massif, northern Kazakhstan, metabasites from the epidote amphibolite (EA) facies to the coesite eclogite (CEC) facies are exposed. Based on the equilibrium mineral assemblages, the Barchi–Kol area is divided into four zones: A, B, C and D. Zone A is characterized by the assemblage: epidote + hornblende + plagioclase + quartz, with minor garnet. Zone B is characterized by the assemblage: garnet + hornblende + plagioclase + quartz + zoisite. Zone C is defined by the appearance of sodic–augite, with typical assemblage: garnet + sodic–augite + tschermakite–pargasite + quartz ± plagioclase ± epidote/clinozoisite. Zone D is characterized by the typical eclogite assemblage: garnet + omphacite + quartz + rutile, with minor phengite and zoisite. Inclusions of quartz pseudomorph after coesite were identified in several samples of zone D. Chemical compositions of rock-forming minerals of each zone were analyzed and reactions between each zone were estimated. Metamorphic P-T conditions of each zone were estimated using several geothermobarometers as 8.6 ± 0.5 kbar, 500 ± 30 °C for zone A; 11.7 ± 0.5 kbar, 700 ± 30 °C for zone B; 12–14 kbar, 700–815 °C for zone C; and 27–40 kbar, 700–825 °C for zone D.
Keywords:geothermobarometry    Kokchetav    metabasite    ultrahigh pressure–high-pressure metamorphism
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