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引用本文:夏友龙, 朱抱真, 黄伯银. 冬季亚洲大陆冷高压形成和发展过程的数值模拟. 应用气象学报, 1991, 2(2): 133-139.
作者姓名:夏友龙 朱抱真 黄伯银
摘    要:本文利用一个包括辐射、陆地的热量平衡,雪量的变化以及对流凝结和大地形的作用的两层球谱模式,模拟了冬季亚洲大陆冷高压的形成和发展过程。文中给出了大陆冷高压在源地形成、南侵和入海变性三个阶段的海平面气压场,对流层中部的温度场结构和垂直运动场特征,其结果与观测事实相一致。并模拟出冷高压发展所引起的副热带和热带行星尺度环流的变化。

The Numerical Simulation on the Formation and Evolution Process of the Asian Continental High in Winter
The numerical simulation on the formation and evolution process of the asian continental high in winter. J Appl Meteor Sci, 1991, 2(2): 133-139.
Affiliation:1) (Beijing Institute of Meteorology); 2) (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academia Sinica)
Abstract:Using the two-layer spectral model involving radiation parameterization, continental heat equilibrium, convective parameterization and topography, we simulated the formation and evolution process of the Asian continental cold high in winter. The distributions of sea-level pressure, temperature and vertical velocity in the mid-troposphere in the three development stages, i. e. formation, southward movement and transformation of the cold high, are given in this paper. The results correspond with the observational facts. In addition, we simulated the variation of subtropical and tropical planetary circulation caused by the evolution process of continental cold high.
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