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引用本文:常允新,朱学顺,宋长斌,卫政润. 煤矸石的危害与防治[J]. 中国地质灾害与防治学报, 2001, 12(2): 39-43
作者姓名:常允新  朱学顺  宋长斌  卫政润
摘    要:山东省煤炭资源丰富,开采历史悠久,在数10年的开采过程中,引发了诸多环境地质问题,煤矸石危害是其中之一.境内各煤矿矸石堆存量达6651万m3,占地37900hm2.侵占大量耕地、林地、居民地和工矿用地,破坏地质地貌景观.矸石堆单体过大,形成矸石山,已引发渣石流和坍塌事故.1980年以来,因此致死19人,伤多人.浸溶试验结果表明,矸石淋滤液中SO42-、F-、Mo、Se、总硬度、pH等成份或指标偏高,甚至超过<地面水环境质量标准>(GB3838-88)中的Ⅲ类水标准,局部已对水环境构成污染.煤矸石有害可溶物因地质条件、浸泡时间、堆放时间不同而变化,风化、侵蚀可导致有害可溶物的增加.莱芜煤田矸石堆附近土壤中的硫、氟、汞等成份比对照点偏高,但低于山东省土壤成份背景值.对莱芜煤田煤矸石抽样监测,其放射性低于国家<放射性防护规定>(GBJ8-74)的标准.矸石堆露天堆放过程中,粉尘及自燃产生的气体,污染大气环境.淄博矿区岭子煤矿矸石堆附近因此形成酸雨."以防为主,综合利用"是矸石危害防治的原则,煤矸石中含有煤粉、黄铁矿、高岭石等,检选这些有用矿产,具有可观的经济效益,同时可防止矸石自燃和淋滤液污染,文中对其反应过程做了分析.

关 键 词:土地资源   地质环境   污染   灾害   煤矸石  山东省

Hazard of gangue and its control
CHANG Yunxin,ZHU Xueshun,SONG Changbin,WEI Zhengrun. Hazard of gangue and its control[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 2001, 12(2): 39-43
Authors:CHANG Yunxin  ZHU Xueshun  SONG Changbin  WEI Zhengrun
Abstract:Shandong Province is rich in coal resources and has a long mining history.In Shandong,gangue hazard is one of the environmental geological problems caused by mining.The volum of gangue stored up in every mine is about 6651×10+4 m3、37900hm2 land suit for cultivation,forest,resident and factory has been encroached piling up an amount of gangue like a mountain initated cinder-rock flows and collapse.From 1980 there have been 19 persons died for it,many people injured.Dissolved experiments show that some compositions and indexes such as SO2-4,F-,Mo,Se,general hardness and pH in gangue solution are high,sometimes more than Ⅲ water standard of (GB3838-88).As the result local water environment has been polluted.The amount of hame substance in gangue solution changes with geological condition,immersion time and stacking time.The compositions of S,F,Hg in soil near gangue pile in Laiwu coal field are higher than contrast point,but lower than background value of soil composition in Shandong Province.The radioactivity of gangue in Laiwu coal field is lower than the standard of (GBJ8-74).In the course of piling up gangue in the open area,the gas from powder and self-burning polluted atmosphere and created acid rain.The principle of controling hazard of gangue is putting prevention first and conducts comprehesive utilization.
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