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Variations in seawater osmium isotope composition since the last glacial maximum: A case study from the Japan Sea
Authors:Tarun K. Dalai   Katsuhiko Suzuki   Masao Minagawa  Yoshiyuki Nozaki

aOcean Research Institute, Marine Inorganic Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Nakano-ku 164-8639, Japan

bInstitute for Research on Earth Evolution, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka 237-0061, Japan

cGraduate School of Environmental and Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan

Abstract:Concentrations of Re and Os, and the isotopic composition of Os have been measured in the Japan Sea sediments to assess the response of the Japan Sea to glacial–interglacial climate change and associated weathering fluxes. The osmium concentrations in the sediment samples analyzed vary from 59 to 371 pg/g, and 187Os/188Os from 0.935 to 1.042. Only 187Os/188Os of sediment samples from dark laminations deposited under suboxic to anoxic conditions and having elevated concentrations of Re and Os, and with ≥ 80% hydrogenous Os are explained in terms of seawater composition. Lower 187Os/188Os were observed for sediments deposited during the last glacial maximum (LGM) when planktonic foraminifera from the Japan Sea recorded lighter oxygen isotopic composition. Decrease in dissolved Os fluxes from continents and/or change in the composition of the dissolved load to the Japan Sea are suggested as the driving mechanisms for the observed lower LGM 187Os/188Os. The results of this study, coupled with lower 187Os/188Os during the last glacial observed at other sites from ocean basins with different lithology and contrasting sediment accumulation rates, suggest that this trend is characteristic of the global oceans.

Data from this study show that the Japan Sea recorded higher 187Os/188Os during the current interglacial coinciding with excursions of oxygen isotopic compositions of planktonic foraminifera to heavier values. This is explained in terms of preferential release of 187Os during deglacial weathering and/or higher continental Os flux driven by warm and wet climate. This study demonstrates that Os isotopic composition of reducing margin sediments has immense potential to track variations in the seawater composition. In addition, 187Os/188Os of reducing sediments may be used to draw inferences about local paleoceanographic processes in semi-enclosed basins such as the Japan Sea.

Keywords:Japan Sea   187Os/188Os   Paleoclimate   Margin sediment   Glacial–interglacial climate change
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