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Chemical evolution of the Magellanic Clouds: analytical models
Authors:B. E. J. Pagel,&   G. Tautvaisviene
Affiliation:NORDITA, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark,;Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Gosvtauto 12, Vilnius 2600, Lithuania
Abstract:We have extended our analytical chemical evolution modelling ideas for the Galaxy to the Magellanic Clouds. Unlike previous authors (Russell &38; Dopita, Tsujimoto et al. and Pilyugin), we assume neither a steepened initial mass function nor selective galactic winds, since among the α-particle elements only oxygen shows a large deficit relative to iron and a similar deficit is also found in Galactic supergiants. Thus we assume yields and time delays identical to those that we previously assumed for the solar neighbourhood. We include inflow and non-selective galactic winds and consider both smooth and bursting star formation rates, the latter giving a better fit to the age–metallicity relations. We predict essentially solar abundance ratios for primary elements and these seem to fit most of the data within their substantial scatter. Our model for the Large Magellanic Cloud also gives a remarkably good fit to the anomalous Galactic halo stars discovered by Nissen &38; Schuster.   Our models predict current ratios of Type Ia supernova to core-collapse supernova rates enhanced by 50 and 25 per cent respectively relative to the solar neighbourhood, in fair agreement with ratios found by Cappellaro et al. for Sdm–Im relative to Sbc galaxies, but these ratios are sensitive to detailed assumptions about the bursts and a still higher enhancement in the Large Magellanic Cloud has been deduced from X-ray studies of remnants by Hughes et al. The corresponding ratios integrated over time up to the present are slightly below 1, but they exceed 1 if one compares the Magellanic Clouds with the Galaxy at times when it had the corresponding metallicities.
Keywords:methods: analytical    stars: abundances    stars: luminosity function    mass function    supernovae: general    Magellanic Clouds
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