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Magmatic processes and mantle heterogeneity beneath the slow-spreading northern Kolbeinsey Ridge segment,North Atlantic
Authors:Karsten M. Haase  Colin W. Devey  Martin Wieneke
Affiliation:1.Abt. Geologie, Institut für Geowissenschaften der Universit?t Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40, 24118 Kiel, Germany,;2.Fachbereich 5 – Geowissenschaften, Universit?t Bremen, Postfach 330 440, 28334 Bremen, Germany,
Abstract:We present new data on mineralogical, major and trace element compositions of lavas from the northernmost segment of the Kolbeinsey Ridge (North Kolbeinsey Ridge, NKR). The incompatible element enriched North Kolbeinsey basalts lie on a crystal fractionation trend which differs from that of the other Kolbeinsey segments, most likely due to higher water contents (~0.2%) in the NKR basalts. The most evolved NKR magmas erupt close to the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone, implying increased cooling and fractionation of the ascending magmas. Mainly incompatible element-enriched basalts, as well as some slightly depleted lavas, erupt on the NKR. They show evidence for mixing between different mantle sources and magma mixing. North Kolbeinsey Ridge magmas probably formed by similar degrees of melting to other Kolbeinsey basalts, implying that no lateral variation in mantle potential temperature occurs on the spreading axis north of the Iceland plume and that the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone does not have a cooling effect on the mantle. Residual garnet from deep melting in garnet peridotite or from enriched garnet pyroxenite veins does not play a role. The incompatible element-enriched source has high Ba/La and Nb/Zr, but must be depleted in iron. The iron-depleted mantle is less dense than surrounding mantle and leads to the formation of the North Kolbeinsey segment and its shallow bathymetry. The enriched NKR source formed from a relatively refractory mantle, enriched by a small degree melt rather than by recycling of enriched basaltic crust. The depleted mantle source resembles the mantle of the Middle Kolbeinsey segment with a depletion in incompatible elements, but a fertile major element composition.
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