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Derivation of gold by oxidative metamorphism of a deep ductile shear zone: Part 1. Conceptual model
Authors:Eion M. Cameron  
Abstract:Quartz-carbonate gold deposits were emplaced in shear zones at or above the brittle-ductile transition. Some of the largest deposits are known to have formed along major, long-lived, transcurrent shears. Shears of this type widened downwards in the ductile regime, as a result of decreasing rock viscosity with depth; some were as wide as 40 km at depths of granulite facies metamorphism. Ductile shears are permeable and, since the permeability is along microfractures, fluid flow was pervasive, providing the opportunity for extensive chemical reaction. Reaction rates were enhanced by shear heating and by deformation-induced stress gradients in minerals, and reductions in grain size. Fluid flow tended to be upwards, because of pressure drop into the brittle portion of the shear. Given the wedge-shaped profile of ductile shears, fluids that had passed through a large volume of lower crust would have been focused at the brittle-ductile transition. Thus, if processes existed to selectively remove elements during fluid movement through the lower crust, these elements would also have been focused at this transition.One of the most constant features of quartz-carbonate lodes is carbonate alteration, which may extend kilometers out from major deposits. The 13C signature of this is consistent with a mantle source for the CO2. Upward-moving CO2 vapour of probable mantle origin has been implicated in the dehydration of amphibolite facies rocks to granulites and the concomitant depletion of large ion lithophile elements (LILE). The best documented cases of modification of the lower crust by CO2 are from major shear zones. CO2 streaming at depth could only have occurred under conditions more oxidizing than that required for graphite stability. These conditions favour solubility of gold by (a) oxidizing Au0 to Au+; (b) by dissolving sulphide from the rocks to complex with Au+. Recent work has shown that some major Archean gold deposits were derived from relatively oxidized fluids.A conceptual model is outlined for the genesis of at least some quartz-carbonate gold deposits. CO2 permeating deep ductile shear zones dehydrated amphibolite facies rocks. A relatively oxidized CO2-H2O fluid was produced, which dissolved sulphide and gold from large volumes of lower crust. Gold was carried upwards in the narrowing shear, to be focused and precipitated at or above the brittle-ductile transition.
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