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Influence of water temperature and oxygenation on the aerobic metabolic scope of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Authors:G. Claireaux, D. M. Webber, J. -P. Lagard  re,S. R. Kerr
Affiliation:G. Claireaux, D. M. Webber, J. -P. Lagardère,S. R. Kerr
Abstract:Environmental influences (temperature and oxygenation) on cod metabolism and their impact on the ecology of this species were investigated. Limiting oxygen concentration curves (O2 level ranging between 15 and 100% air saturation) were established at 2, 5 and 10°C. The standard metabolic rate (SMR), the maximum metabolic rate and the metabolic scope were then modelled as functions of temperature and/or oxygen saturation. The mean SMR at 2, 5 and 10°C were 19.8±4.9, 30.8±6.1 and 54.3±4.1 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, respectively. Between 2 and 5°C, the active metabolic rate of cod almost doubled from 65 to 120 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, to reach 177 mg O2 h−1 kg−1 at 10°C. In terms of metabolic scope (MS), the temperature rise from 2 to 5°C resulted in a two-fold increase from 45 to 89 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, with MS reaching 123 mg O2 h−1 kg−1 at 10°C. Our proposed model describing the impact of temperature and oxygen level provides new insight into the energetic interactions which govern the relationship between Atlantic cod and its environment. We re-examined published experimental and field studies from the angle of the regulation of metabolic power. We suggest that, when faced with heterogeneous or unstable hydrological conditions, cod tend to behaviourally maximise their metabolic scope. Through this adaptive response, fish reduce energy budgeting conflicts and presumably increase the probability of routinely operating away from lethal boundaries.
Keywords:Atlantic cod   metabolism   physiological ecology   temperature   oxygen
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