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Geothermometry, Geobarometry and T-X(Fe-Mg) Relations in Metapelites, Snow Peak, Northern Idaho
Affiliation:Department of Geology, University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 97403
Abstract:The most recent of two metamorphic events (M2) in the Snow Peakarea caused progressive changes in mineral parageneses in peliticrocks ranging from chlorite-biotite to kyanite grade. Systematicpartitioning of elements between coexisting phases indicatesa close approach to equilibrium during M2. Temperature estimatesfor M2 range from 440 ?C in the chlorite-biotite zone to 565?C in the kyanite zone. Coexistence of kyanite, garnet, ilmenite,and quartz places an upper pressure limit of approximately 60kb, and an upper temperature limit at the kyanite-sillimaniteboundary. Equilibrium of garnet, kyanite, plagioclase, and quartzindicates that total pressure of equilibration of kyanite-bearingassemblages was approximately 6 kb. Pressure estimates basedon equilibrium of garnet, muscovite, biotite, and plagioclaseindicate a pressure gradient between garnet and lower staurolitezone samples, which equilibrated at approximately 3? 5 kb, andupper staurolite to kyanite zone samples, which equilibratedat ~ 5? 5 kb. Equilibrium of paragonite component of muscovitewith plagioclase, kyanite and quartz, distribution of speciesin C-O-H fluids in equilibrium with graphite, and the presenceof zoisite in adjacent calc-silicate rocks indicate that themetamorphic fluid in kyanite-bearing assemblages contained 65-90mole per cent H2O. However, the experimentally calibrated equilibriumof staurolite, quartz, garnet, and kyanite can be reconciledwith estimated temperature only if XH2O in the fluid was verylow (~ 33 mole per cent). T-X(Fe-Mg) relations among chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite,kyanite, muscovite and quartz are calculated at 6 kb on thebasis of 3 independent Fe-Mg exchange equilibria: garnet-biotite,chlorite-biotite (empirical, this study), garnet-staurolite(empirical, this study), and three independent net transferequilibria. Alternative sets of data for Mg-chlorite and Fe-stauroliteare evaluated by comparing observed and calculated changes inmineral paragenesis and mineral composition with grade. Chloritedata from Helgeson et al., 1978 give T-X(Fe-Mg) relations consistentwith trends observed in these rocks, whereas data derived frombreakdown of clinochlore and clinochlore + dolomite do not.Calculation of T-X(Fe-Mg) relations consistent with observationsrequires lower values of Formula and Formula than those consistent with experiments on the breakdown of staurolite+quartz.
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