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Coastal currents caused by superposition of coastal-trapped waves and near-inertial oscillations observed near the Noto Peninsula, Japan
Authors:Yosuke Igeta  Tatsuro WatanabeHaruya Yamada  Katsumi TakayamaOsamu Katoh
Affiliation:a Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, 1-5939-22 Suido-cho, Chuo, Niigata 951-8121, Japan
b Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, 1551-8 Taira-machi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki 851-2213, Japan
Abstract:Current observations were made from 14 July 2006 to 31 March 2007, using an acoustic Doppler current profiler mounted on the seafloor near the eastern coast of the Noto Peninsula, Japan, to investigate strong coastal currents induced by large-amplitude coastal-trapped waves (CTWs) and near-inertial fluctuations (NIFs). The CTWs were generated by the winter monsoon and the passage of a typhoon during the observation period. Two types of strong currents with velocities higher than 50 cm s-1 were observed. One type, the strong current in winter (SCW), had the coast on the left to its direction of flow. This current was observed after a strengthening of the winter monsoon in January 2007. The other type, the strong current in fall (SCF), had the coast on the right to its direction of flow and was observed after the passage of a typhoon in September 2006. The SCW was inferred to be formed mainly by low-mode CTWs without NIFs. Compared to the SCW, the SCF had a more complicated vertical structure and time variations. The SCF was inferred to be generated by low-mode CTWs strengthened by NIFs. The contributions of NIFs to the strong coastal currents became important when the wind stress direction was rotating clockwise.
Keywords:Coastal-trapped wave   Near-inertial fluctuation   Superposition   Noto Peninsula
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