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引用本文:乔陆印. 乡村振兴村庄类型识别与振兴策略研究——以山西省长子县为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(9): 1340-1348. DOI: 10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.09.007
作者单位:山西大学城乡发展研究院,太原 030006
摘    要:乡村振兴战略是新时代破解“三农”问题、实现农业农村现代化的重大战略部署。坚持乡村差异性与发展分化原则,科学识别乡村类型、明晰乡村振兴导向,对于编制区域乡村振兴规划与分类施策具有重要的现实意义。村域尺度是乡村振兴战略的基本尺度,但囿于微观尺度统计数据与基础资料的缺乏,亟需构建一套科学合理、简便易行的乡村类型识别方法体系。论文简要解析了影响村庄分布、演进与发展潜力的关键因素,据此构建乡村振兴村庄类型识别指标体系,并按照“自然因素→振兴潜力→发展现状→资源基础”的逻辑思路逐级识别乡村主导类型。结果表明:① 自然因子限制了村落的基本格局与演变方向,经济区位决定了村落的发展潜力与转型能力,二者在村落演进与乡村振兴中起到决定性作用;② 从农户视角看,村落的空间区位效能是否适应农户生产生活需求和生计方式,决定了农户居住场所是否发生空间迁移,并通过闲置废弃宅基地得到呈现;③ 将长子县村庄识别为城郊融合型、集聚提升型、传统农业型、特色保护型、搬迁撤并型5类,结合不同的乡村振兴模式提出相应的发展导向与振兴策略,以期为乡村振兴分类施策提供决策参考。

关 键 词:乡村振兴  类型识别  自然因子  闲置宅基地  振兴策略  资源型地区  山西长子县  

Village type identification and rural revitalization strategy: A case study of Zhangzi County of Shanxi Province
QIAO Luyin. Village type identification and rural revitalization strategy: A case study of Zhangzi County of Shanxi Province[J]. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(9): 1340-1348. DOI: 10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.09.007
Authors:QIAO Luyin
Affiliation:Institute of Urban-Rural Development, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
Abstract:China's rural revitalization strategy is a long-term strategic deployment for agricultural and rural modernization by 2050. Given the differences of villages and the divergence of their development trends, it is important to identify village types scientifically and clarify their development directions in order to make sound rural revitalization plans and take differential measures. The village scale is a basic scale for implementing rural revitalization. However, limited by the lack of micro-scale statistical data and basic information, it is urgent to build a scientific, simple, and usable methodological framework for identifying village types. This study integrated geographic data and rural land use data to construct a village type identification system. Then natural factors, revitalize potential, development situation, and resource endowment were examined in turn to identify village types of Zhangzi County, Shanxi Province. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) Natural factors limit the basic pattern and direction of change of villages, location determines the development potential and transformation capability, and both play a decisive role in the evolution and revitalization of villages. 2) From the perspective of farmers, whether the location efficiency of a village is compatible to farmers' production and living needs and livelihood style determines whether a change takes place in the location of residence of farmers, and this trend can be reflected by idle and abandoned homesteads. 3) The villages of Zhangzi County can be divided into five types, including urban-suburban integration, agglomeration for improvement, traditional agricultural, protection due to special characteristics, and relocation and merging types. Combining with different modes of rural revitalization, corresponding development paths are proposed accordingly to provide a theoretical basis and decision references for differentiated rural revitalization strategies.
Keywords:rural revitalization  village type identification  natural factors  vacant homestead  revitalization strategy  resource-based areas  Zhangzi County of Shanxi Province  
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