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On the role of the Hercynian and Alpine thrusts in the Upper Paleozoic rocks of the Central and Eastern Pyrenees
Authors:Josep M. Casas  Francese Domingo  Josep Poblet  Albert Soler
Affiliation:1. Dept. de Geologia Dinàmica, Geofísica i Paleontologia.;2. Dept. de Cristal, lografia, Mineralogia i Dipòsits Minerals. Facultat de Geologia, Universit?t de Barcelona, Zona Universitaria de Pedralbes, 08028 Barcelona, Espanya

The structure of the Pyrenean pre-Hercynian rocks involved in the “Axial Zone” antiformal stack, results from the association of Hercynian cleavage-related folds and Hercynian and Alpine thrusts. Some of these Alpine and Hercynian thrusts separate thrust sheets in which Upper Paleozoic rocks, Devonian and pre-Hercynian Carboniferous, exhibit different lithostratigraphy and internal structure.

In order to know both, the original Devonian facies distribution and the structural characteristics, the effects of the Alpine and the Hercynian thrusts must be considered. If a conceptual restored cross-section is constructed taking into account both the Alpine and Hercynian thrusts, a different Devonian facies distribution is achieved. Devonian carbonatic successions were originally located in a northernmost position, whereas sequences made by alternations of slates and limestones lie in southernmost areas. Moreover, a N-S variation of the Hercynian structural style appears. In the northern units thrusts are synchronous to folding development and they are the most conspicuous structures. In the intermediate units, thrust postdate cleavage-related folds, and in the southernmost units several folding episodes, previous to the thrusts, are well developed.

We present some examples which enable us to discuss the importance of the Hercynian and Alpine thrusts in the reconstruction of the Pyrenean pre-Alpine geology.
Keywords:Structure  Pyrenees  Hercynian  Folds  Thrusts  Alpine
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