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引用本文:陈墨香, 邓孝. 中国地下热水分布之特点及属性[J]. 第四纪研究, 1996, 16(2): 131-138.
作者姓名:陈墨香  邓孝
作者单位:中国科学院地质研究所|北京 100029
摘    要:本文依据我国近年来地下热水资源调研和勘探的新进展及其与有关的研究结果,简述我国地下热水形成和赋存的地热地质背景,分析和归纳构造隆起区中的温泉和中、新生代沉积盆地中的地下热水分布之基本特点,讨论主要水热带的地热学属性和沉积盆地热水的形成机制,为我国地热资源的勘探、开发和今后地球科学有关问题的深化研究提供参考。

关 键 词:地热地质背景   地下热水   分布特点   属性   形成机制

Chen Moxiang, Deng Xiao. THE DISTRIBUTIVE CHARACTERISTICSOF GEOTHERMALWATER AND ITS NATURE IN CHINA[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 1996, 16(2): 131-138.
Authors:Chen Moxiang   Deng Xiao
Affiliation:Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029
Abstract:The main conclusions are as follows:(1) Terrestrial heat flow data-set from continential area of China has been analysed. Statistical data show that heat (q) varies in a broad range (30-320mW/m2),but mostly concentrated in 40-85 mW /m2, the average value being 63±16 mW /m2This is consistent with the recent statistical analysis of the global data-set from continents. Generally, heat flow pattern in China is characterized by "high in SW (70±23mW/m2) and SE (66±15mW/m2)"," low in NW (43±8mW/m2) and NE (59±13 mW /m2)", but" transition area in central part (the Sichuan and Ordos Basins,52±12 mW /m2)". This is resulted from the geological evolution of China sinceCenozoic with strong influence and effects by the Indian plate from the SW and thePacifie and Philippine Sea plates from the SE.(2) In total, there are 2200 hot springs in China, among which 859 are in thetemperature interval 25-40℃, 807 are in 40-60℃, 398 are in 60-80℃and 136 higher than 80℃. Zonation of the hydrothermal activities is. obviousin China. They can be classified into four major belts as far as hydrothermal areasare concerned. These four belts are as follows: south Tibet (Xizangl-west Sichuan-westYunnan, Taiwan, coastal SE China and Shandong-Liaoning. The former two are hightemperature geothermal belts (>150℃), i. e. Himalayan geothermal belt and Taiwangeothermal belt. The latter two are low-medium temperature geothermal belts(<150℃). The Himalayan geothermal belt is an importand part of the Mediterraneangeothermal belt, which is of continent-continent collision type. The Taiwangeothermal belt is a part of the Circum-Pacific geothermal belt, but it didn. t has atypical characteristics of this belt.(3) South Tibet-west Yunnan and central Taiwan are located on the plate boundaries and their adjacent areas are, tectonically, the most active regions in the world.Both regions are characterized by high heat flow anomaly (85 -- 120InW/mz) andhave the common geological-geophysical conditions necessary for nurturing hightemperature geothermal systems (>150℃). At least, there exist 80 high temperaturegeothermal systems in China so far, among which Datun Field and Guishan IslandField in the northern end of Taiwan are of volcanic type, other systems includingYangbajing system in southern Tibet, Tengchong (Rehai) system in western Yunnanand Qingshui and Lushan systems in Taiwan are of non-volcanic type.(4) In the vast intraplate areas with relative less intense tectonic activity,heat flow in such areas appears to be normal to relatively high (40  ̄ 80mW /m2),and so low--midium temperature geothermal systems are formed, among whichlow temperature geothermal systems (<90℃) are dominant. The formation ofseveral medium-temperature (>90℃) geothermal systems in coast area of SEChina is related to the deep-circulation of ground water (3.5  ̄ 4.0km), but notrelated to the magmatic activity at all.(5) The formation mechanism of low-temperature geothermal resources in numerous Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basins in China may be formulated as follows=heated by normal to relatively high heat flow from beneath,the lay;ered reservoir isrecharged by the lateral water flow. In Meso-Chnozoic basins of fault-depression origin such as North China Basin and Northern Jiangsu Basin, isotherm pattern "highlow--high" corresponding to basement relief " uplift-depression -uplift" is obvious.Consequently, local geothermal anomaly with relatively high geothermal gradient(G>40℃ / 100m) of sedimentary cover strata and with relatively high heat flow value(q>65 mW/m2) coincides with basement uplift due to redistribution of heat flow inthe uppermost part of the earth's crust. Some of the boundary faults controlling theuplift were open, if thermal water from depth upwelling along the open fractures,making an additional contribution to heat transfer with conductive portion, give riseto an even more intensive anomaly, resulting in a geothermal gradient of 5-7℃/100m, maximum to 9-11℃ / 100m in fault zone and its neighbourhood. The totalarea of local anomaly regions amounts to 2.53×104km2.
Keywords:geothermo-geological background   geothermal water   distributionnature   formational mechanism
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