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Deformation features of garnet-bearing granites from Huwan,western Dabie Mountains
Authors:KunGuang Yang  Qiang Liu  JianLei Xie  Wei Dan  ZhenBing She  ChangQian Ma
Affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Tectonic and Petroleum Resources, Ministry of Education, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China;(2) Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China
Abstract:Foliated garnet-bearing granite, usually associated with high pressure and ultrahigh -pressure (UHP) metamophic rocks, is a particular rock-type extensively exposed in the Mesozoic Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt of China. This study focuses on deformation features and SHRIMP zircon dating of foliated garnet granite in a high-pressure metamorphic unit from Huwan, western Dabie Mountains in order to resolve discrepancies in current versions of its petrogenesis and structural evolution. SHRIMP dating reveals a zircon age of 762 ± 15 Ma (MSWD=1.7) for Huwan granites, representing the Middle to Late Neoproterozoic age of intrusion and crystallization. Field and microstructural studies show that the Huwan granite body underwent multiple-stage deformation. The deformation was manifested by an early stage of rootless folding and imposition of relict foliation (S1); an Indosinian main stage marked by imposition of north-dipping penetrative gneissosity (S2) and development of ductile shear zones under NNE-SSW directed compression; and a final Indosinian stage of southward thrusting of the Huwan high-pressure unit. Shallow level extension prevailed after the Late Triassic, giving rise to south-dipping thrust faults and north-dipping normal faults. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40802046 and 40334037) and the Project of Science & Technology Research and Development from Sinopec (Grant No. P02009)
Keywords:SHRIMP dating  structural analysis  foliated garnet granites  Huwan  Dabie orogen
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