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引用本文:杨柳红, 姬凌飞, 裴静蓉, 邓惠, 张国文, 侯亮亮. 山西太原盆地龙山文化时期的生业经济——以阳曲县西殿南遗址人和动物骨骼的C、N稳定同位素分析为例[J]. 第四纪研究, 2023, 43(1): 212-226. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2023.01.18
作者姓名:杨柳红  姬凌飞  裴静蓉  邓惠  张国文  侯亮亮
作者单位:1. 山西大学考古文博学院考古系, 山西 太原 030006; 2. 太原市文物考古研究所, 山西 太原 030000; 3. 南开大学历史学院考古学与博物馆学系, 天津 300350; 4. 复旦大学文物与博物馆学系 & 科技考古研究院, 上海 200433
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目(批准号: 19BKG044)和"太原盆地及其毗邻地区公元前3千纪至1千纪生业、社会及环境的多学科研究"项目(批准号: 102020901285)共同资助
摘    要:

以山西太原阳曲西殿南遗址(38°03′45″N,112°45′55″E)出土的3例人骨和34例动物骨骼(3例鹿、3例狗、5例牛、6例羊、17例猪)为研究对象,运用AMS-14C测年与C、N稳定同位素分析的研究方法,研究该遗址所处的年代、动物和人的食物结构以及先民对家畜的饲喂方式,进而还原龙山文化时期太原盆地的生业经济。AMS-14C测年结果显示,M1墓主人骨骼的14C年代为4200±30 a B. P.,树轮校正后的年代范围为4844~4620 cal.a B. P.,结合该遗址遗存及其组合群特征初步判断其应为一处龙山文化时期遗址。C、N稳定同位素测试结果显示,鹿(δ13C:-20.8‰ ~-18.7‰,均值-19.6‰ ±1.1‰;δ15N:2.9‰ ~3.6‰,均值3.3‰ ±0.4‰,n=3)主要以C3类食物为生,说明当地野生植被主要为C3类植物;与鹿不同,羊的δ13C值和δ15N值(δ13C:-17.2‰ ~-14.3‰,均值-16.2‰ ±1.0‰;δ15N:6.7‰ ~9.6‰,均值8.1‰ ±1.2‰,n=6)明显高于鹿,其内部存在一些差异性,可分为A、B、C三组:A组羊(YQ17和YQ19)的δ13C值偏高(分别为-16.4‰和-16.3‰),δ15N值(分别为9.3‰和9.6‰)较高,其年龄较小,食物中包含较多的羊奶或生活于缺水的环境中,抑或被投喂了高蛋白的饲料;B组羊(YQ16、YQ18、YQ20)的δ13C值偏低(分别为-16.8‰、-14.3‰和-17.2‰),但δ15N值(分别为8.3‰、7.4‰和7.2‰)偏高,其受到人工干扰的可能性最大,特别是在冬春季节,野外植被较少,羊群很可能无法自行获得充足的食物资源,这时人为投放的饲料(如粟黍的秸秆等)可能作为其食物的补充;C组羊(YQ15)的δ13C值(-16.3‰)和δ15N值(6.7‰)都较低,其食物来源以C3类植物为主,也有少量C4类食物,其数值符合羊作为食草动物的特征,同时反映出当地野生植被主要以C3类植物为主。显然,以野外放养为主的羊,它们的食物结构仍然受到粟黍农业的强烈影响。大部分牛(δ13C:-20.2‰ ~-14.6%,均值-16.4‰ ±2.6‰;δ15N:3.5‰ ~6.8‰,均值5.3‰ ±1.6‰,n=4)的食物主要以C3类植物为主,但也添加了少量的C4类食物;家猪(δ13C:-7.5‰ ~-6.3‰,均值-6.9‰ ±0.3‰;δ15N:6.1‰ ~8.4‰,均值7.5‰ ±0.6‰,n=17)、家犬(δ13C:-7.3‰ ~-6.8‰,均值-7.0‰ ±0.3‰;δ15N:6.6‰ ~7.9‰,均值7.1‰ ±0.7‰,n=3)及牛YQ13(δ13C:-10.7‰;δ15N:8.7‰)主要以C4类食物为生。其中,猪和狗则主要以粟黍及其副产品为生,并食用了较多先民食物残余和/或残羹冷炙,甚至先民的粪便等;牛YQ13可能受到先民的特殊饲喂,其食物中添加了大量的粟黍及其副产品。先民(δ13C:-8.6‰ ~-7.1‰,均值-7.7‰ ±0.8‰,δ15N:9.5‰ ~10.3‰,均值10.0‰ ±0.4‰,n=3)主要以C4类食物为生,即粟黍及其副产品饲喂的家猪和家犬。因此,西殿南遗址所在太原盆地龙山文化时期先民的生业经济以粟黍农业及家猪饲喂业为主,也对外来的牛和羊进行放养和饲喂;与处于同时期且邻近的中原腹地新砦遗址、临汾盆地的陶寺遗址和清凉寺墓地、忻定盆地的辛章遗址以及陕北地区的神圪垯梁遗址已发表的人和动物骨骼的C、N稳定同位素相关数据进行单因素方差分析发现,西殿南遗址所在太原盆地的生业经济相比略显单一,社会复杂化程度有限。

关 键 词:西殿南遗址   龙山文化时期   C、N稳定同位素   粟黍农业

The subsistence patterns of Taiyuan Basin during the Longshan Culture Period by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes analysis of human and animal bones from Xidiannan site,Yangqu County,Shanxi, China
YANG Liuhong, JI Lingfei, PEI Jingrong, DENG Hui, ZHANG Guowen, HOU Liangliang. The subsistence patterns of Taiyuan Basin during the Longshan Culture Period by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes analysis of human and animal bones from Xidiannan site, Yangqu County, Shanxi, China[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2023, 43(1): 212-226. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2023.01.18
Authors:YANG Liuhong  JI Lingfei  PEI Jingrong  DENG Hui  ZHANG Guowen  HOU Liangliang
Affiliation:1. Department of Archaeology, School of Archaeology and Museology, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, Shanxi; 2. Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Taiyuan 030000, Shanxi; 3. Department of Archaeology and Museology, Faculty of History, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350; 4. Department of Cultural Heritage and Museology & Institute of Archaeological Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433
Abstract:In order to reveal the subsistence economy of humans during the Longshan culture period in Taiyuan Basin, the article takes 3 human bones and 34 animal bones(3 deer bones, 3 dog bones, 5 cattle bones, 6 sheep bones and 17 pig bones)unearthed from the Xidiannan site(38°03′45″N, 112°45′55″E)of Yangqu County as the research object, uses the method of AMS-14C dating and stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen to research the age of the site, the food structure of animals and humans and the feeding method of the livestock, then, restores the economic situation of the human. AMS-14C dating results show that the carbon-14 age of the owner of tomb 1 is 4200±30 a B. P., the age range after tree-ring correction is 4844~4620 a B. P. Considering that the Xidiannan site has a large distribution area and many cultural layers, the time span should be large. Therefore, the dating results of tomb 1 human bones may can not cover the overall age span of the whole site. Combining with the unearthed artifacts of the site and its combined group characteristics, it should be a Longshan culture period site. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis results show that deer(δ13C: -20.8‰ ~-18.7‰, mean value: -19.6‰ ±1.1‰; δ15N: 2.9‰ ~3.6‰, mean value: 3.3‰ ±0.4‰, n=3)mainly lived on C3 foods, indicating that the local wild vegetation was mainly C3 plants. Different from deer, the δ13C values of sheep and δ15N values(δ13C: -17.2‰ ~-14.3‰, mean value: -16.2‰ ±1.0‰; δ15N: 6.7‰ ~9.6‰, mean value: 8.1‰ ±1.2‰, n=6)are significantly higher than that of deer. There are some differences within them, which can be divided into 3 groups: A, B and C. Group A(YQ17 and YQ19)has higher δ13C values(-16.4‰ and-16.3‰, respectively)and δ15N values(9.3‰ and 9.6‰, respectively). They were younger, consumed more milk, lived in water-deficient environment or were fed with high-protein fodders. In group B(YQ16, YQ18, YQ20), the δ13C values are low(-16.8‰, -14.3‰ and-17.2‰, respectively), but the δ15N values are high(8.3‰, 7.4‰ and 7.2‰, respectively). Sheep are likely to be unable to obtain sufficient food resources by themselves during winter and spring. In this case, artificial fodders(such as millet straw)may be used as a supplement to their diets. The value of δ13C(-16.3‰)and δ15N(6.7‰)of sheep in group C(YQ15)is low. YQ15 mainly lived on C3 plants, with a small amount of C4 food, which is consistent with the characteristics of sheep as a herbivore and reflected that the local wild vegetation was mainly C3 plants. Obviously, although sheep are mainly raised in the wild, their diet still influenced by millet farming. Most cattle(δ13C: -20.2‰ ~-14.6%, mean value: -16.4‰ ±2.6‰; δ15N: 3.5‰ ~6.8‰, mean value: 5.3‰ ±1.6‰, n=4)ate C3 plants, but a small amount of C4 food was added to their diet. Domestic pigs(δ13C: -7.5‰ ~-6.3‰, mean value: -6.9‰ ±0.3‰; δ15N: 6.1‰ ~8.4‰, mean value: 7.5‰ ±0.6‰, n=17)and dogs(δ13C: -7.3‰ ~-6.8‰, mean value: -7.0‰ ±0.3‰; δ15N: 6.6‰ ~7.9‰, mean value: 7.1‰ ±0.7‰, n=3)and cattle YQ13(δ13C: -10.7‰; δ15N: 8.7‰)mainly fed on C4 food. Pigs and dogs mainly lived on millet and its by-products and ate food leftovers and/or leftovers and even the feces of the humans. Cattle YQ13 may fed specially with a large amount of millet and by-products by human. Human(δ13C: -8.6‰ ~-7.1‰, mean value: -7.7‰ ±0.8‰; δ15N: 9.5‰ ~10.3‰, mean value: 10.0‰ ±0.4‰, n=3)mainly lived on C4 food, that is, millet and domestic pigs and/or dogs fed with millet and its by-products. Therefore, the subsistence economy of humans in the Taiyuan Basin, where the Xidiannan site located, was mainly millet agriculture and domestic pig feeding industry, as well as stocking and feeding of foreign cattle and sheep. One-way ANOVA analysis of C and N stable isotope data of human and animal bones from this site and some other contiguous and contemporaneous sites(such as Xinzhai site in the Central Plains hinterland, Taosi site and Qingliangsi cemetery in the Linfen Basin, Xinzhang site in the Xinding Basin and Shengedaliang site in the Northern Shaanxi area)showed that the subsistence economy in Taiyuan Basin, where the Xidiannan site located, was a little monotonous and the social complexity was limited.
Keywords:Xidiannan site  Longshan culture period  carbon and nitrogen stable isotope  millet agriculture
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