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Tectonic,magmatic, and metallogenic evolution of the Tethyan orogen: From subduction to collision
Affiliation:Dept. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, Canada
Abstract:This paper reviews the tectonic, magmatic, and metallogenic history of the Tethyan orogen from the Carpathians to Indochina. Focus is placed on the formation of porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au deposits, as being the most characteristic mineral deposit type formed during both subduction and collisional processes in this region. Relatively little is known about the history of the Paleotethys ocean, which opened and closed between Gondwana and Eurasia in the Paleozoic, and few ore deposits are preserved from this period. The Neotethyan ocean opened in the Permian–Early Triassic as the Cimmerian continental fragments (the cores of Turkey, Iran, Tibet, and Indochina) rifted from the northern Gondwana margin and drifted northwards. These microcontinents docked with the Eurasian margin at various points in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, and formed a complex archipelago involving several small back-arc basins and remnants of the Paleotethyan ocean. The main Neotethyan ocean and these smaller basins were largely eliminated by collision with India and Africa–Arabia in the early Eocene and early-mid Miocene, respectively, although Neotethyan subduction continues beneath the Hellenic arc and the Makran.The majority of porphyry-type deposits are found in association with Neotethyan subduction (mainly in the Mesozoic and Paleogene), and syn- to post-collisional events in the mid-Paleogene to Neogene. They are found throughout the orogen, but some sections are particularly well-endowed, including the Carpathians–Balkans–Rhodopes, eastern Turkey–Lesser Caucasus–NW Iran, SE Iran–SW Pakistan, southern Tibet, and SE Tibet–Indochina. Other sections that appear barren may reflect deeper levels of erosion, young sedimentary cover, or lack of exploration, although there may also be real reasons for low prospectivity in some areas, such as minimal subduction (e.g., the western Mediterranean region) or lithospheric underthrusting (as proposed in western Tibet).Over the last decade, improved geochronological constraints on the timing of ore formation and key tectonic events have revealed that many porphyry deposits that were previously assumed to be subduction-related are in fact broadly collision-related, some forming in back-arc settings in advance of collision, some during collision, and others during post-collisional processes such as orogenic collapse and/or delamination of subcontinental mantle lithosphere. While the formation of subduction-related porphyries is quite well understood, collisional metallogeny is more complex, and may involve a number of different processes or sources. These include melting of: orogenically thickened crust; previously subduction-modified lithosphere (including metasomatized mantle, underplated mafic rocks, or lower crustal arc plutons and cumulates); or upwelling asthenosphere (e.g., in response to delamination, slab breakoff, back-arc extension, or orogenic collapse).The most fertile sources for syn- and post-collisional porphyry deposits appear to be subduction-modified lithosphere, because these hydrated lithologies melt at relatively low temperatures during later tectonomagmatic events, and retain the oxidized and relatively metalliferous character of the original arc magmatism. Unusually metallically enriched lithospheric sources do not seem to be required, but the amount of residual sulfide phases in these rocks may control metal ratios (e.g., Cu:Au) in subsequent magmatic hydrothermal ore deposits. Relatively Au-rich deposits potentially form in these settings, as observed in the Carpathians (e.g., Roşia Montană), Turkey (Kisladag, Çöpler), and Iran (Sari Gunay, Dalli), although the majority of syn- and post-collisional porphyries are Cu–Mo-rich, and resemble normal subduction-related deposits (e.g., in the Gangdese belt of southern Tibet). This similarity extends to the associated igneous rocks, which, being derived from subduction-modified sources, largely retain the geochemical and isotopic character of those original arc magmas. While still retaining a broadly calc-alkaline character, these rocks may extend to mildly alkaline (shoshonitic) compositions, and may display adakite-like trace element signatures (high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios) reflecting melting of deep crustal garnet amphibolitic sources. But they are otherwise hard to distinguish from normal subduction-related magmas.Small, post-collisional mafic, alkaline volcanic centers are common throughout the orogen, but for the most part appear to be barren. However, similar rocks in other post-subduction settings around the world are associated with important alkalic-type porphyry and epithermal Au ± Cu deposits, and the potential for discovery of such deposits in the Tethyan orogen should not be overlooked.
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