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Searching for large-scale structure in deep radio surveys
Authors:Audra Baleisis,Ofer Lahav,rew J. Loan,&   Jasper V. Wall
Affiliation:Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA,;University of Arizona, Steward Observatory, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA,;Anglo-Australian Observatory, P.O. Box 296, Epping, NSW 2121, Australia,;Royal Greenwich Observatory, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0EZ
Abstract:We calculate the expected amplitude of the dipole and higher spherical harmonics in the angular distribution of radio galaxies. The median redshift of radio sources in existing catalogues is z  ∼ 1, which allows us to study large-scale structure on scales between those accessible to present optical and infrared surveys, and that of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The dipole is a result of two effects which turn out to be of comparable magnitude: (i) our motion with respect to the CMB, and (ii) large-scale structure, parametrized here by a family of cold dark matter power-spectra. We make specific predictions for the Green Bank 1987 (87GB) and Parkes–MIT–NRAO (PMN) catalogues, which in our combined catalogue include ∼ 40 000 sources brighter than 50 mJy at 4.85 GHz, over about 70 per cent of the sky. For these relatively sparse catalogues both the motion and large-scale structure dipole effects are expected to be smaller than the Poisson shot noise. However, we detect dipole and higher harmonics in the combined 87GB–PMNraw catalogue which are far larger than expected. We attribute this to a 2 per cent flux mismatch between the two catalogues. Ad hoc corrections made in an effort to match the catalogues may suggest a marginal detection of a dipole. To detect a dipole and higher harmonics unambiguously, a catalogue with full sky coverage and ∼ 106 sources is required. We also investigate the existence and extent of the supergalactic plane in the above catalogues. In a strip of ± 10° of the standard supergalactic equator, we find a 3 σ detection in PMNraw, but only 1 σ in 87 GBraw. We briefly discuss the implications of ongoing surveys such as FIRST and NVSS and follow-up redshift surveys.
Keywords:catalogues    surveys    galaxies: structure    large-scale structure of Universe    radio continuum: galaxies
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