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引用本文:杨国鹏,余旭初,陈伟,刘伟. 基于核Fisher判别分析的高光谱遥感影像分类[J]. 遥感学报, 2008, 12(4)
作者姓名:杨国鹏  余旭初  陈伟  刘伟
摘    要:高光谱遥感技术,将反映目标辐射特性的光谱信息与反映目标空间位置关系的图像信息有机地结合在一起.高光谱影像具有丰富的光谱信息,较全色、多光谱影像能够更好的进行地面目标的分类识别.在介绍核Fisher判别分析算法的基础上,选用径向基核函数,使用一对一或一对余构造多类构造法,并利用交叉验证网格搜索法优化核函数参数,构建了快速稳定的多类核Fisher判别分析分类器.通过OMIS和AVIRIS影像的分类实验,表明了核Fisher判别分析与支持向量机的分类精度相当,但是所需的训练时间较短.

关 键 词:高光谱遥感  分类  核Fisher判别分析  核函数  基于核  Fisher  判别分析  光谱遥感  影像分类  Discriminant Analysis  Kernel  Based  Image Classification  Remote Sensing  训练时间  分类精度  支持向量机  类实验  AVIRIS  OMIS  分类器  类核  稳定  快速

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis
YANG Guo-peng,YU Xu-chu,CHEN Wei and LIU Wei. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2008, 12(4)
Authors:YANG Guo-peng  YU Xu-chu  CHEN Wei  LIU Wei
Affiliation:Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University,Henan Zhengzhou 450052,China;Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University,Henan Zhengzhou 450052,China;Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University,Henan Zhengzhou 450052,China;Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University,Henan Zhengzhou 450052,China
Abstract:The hyperspectral remote sensing technology, which appeared early in 1980s, combines the radiationinformationwhich relates to the targets attribute, and the space information which relates to the targets position andshape, completing the information continuum of optics RS mi age from panchromatic mi age to hyperspectral via multi-spectral mi age. The spectrum information, which is rich in the hyperspectral mi age, comparedwith panchromatic remotesensing mi age andmultispectral remote sensing mi age, can be used to classify the ground targetbetter. Ithas become anmi portant technique ofmap cartography, vegetation investigation, ocean remote sensing, agriculture remote sensing,atmosphere research, environmentmonitoring andmilitary information acquiring.As SupportVectorMachine (SVM) was applied tomachine learning fields successfully in recent years, the classiclinear pattern analysis algorithmswhich was called the 3rd revolution of pattern analysis algorithms, can cope with thenonlinear problem. Some references applied the kernelmethods to linearFisherDiscrmi inantAnalysis (FDA), and putforwardKernelFisherDiscrmi inantAnalysis (KFDA).Firstly, this paper introduced the classification method based on the kernel fisher discrmi inant analysis. For thebinary problem, the ami ofFDA is to find out the linear projection (projection axes) on which the intra-class scattermatrices of the training samples aremaxmi ized and scattermatrices of inter-class areminmi ized. ForKFDA, the inputteddata ismapped into a high dmi ensional feature space by a nonlinearmapping, while linearFDA in the feature spacewillbe performed.Secondly, we researched on the selectionmethods of the kernel function and itsparameter, and studied on themulti-classes classificationmethods, and then applied them tohyperspectral remote sensing classification. We use decompositionmethods ofmulti-class classifier andmethod ofparameter selection using cross-validating grid search to build an effectiveand robustKFDA classifier.Finally, we carried outthe hyperspectral mi age classification expermi entsbased onKFDA and some othercomparativeexpermi ents. Some conclusions can be drew as follows.Using the kernelmapping, the KFDA expermi ent on PHI and AVIRIS mi age demonstrates that the KFDA is lessaffected by the dmi ension of input sample, and can avoid theHughes phenomena effectively. The results show that ithasmore comparable classification accuracy than supportvectormachine classifier.There is no need to compute the complicated quadratic optmi izing problem in training KFDA classifier as SVMclassifier does, so this algorithm is not very complicated and costs less tmi e. Especially in the one-against-restdecomposition, comparingwith the SVM, KFDA ismuch faster.The capability ofKFDA classifier is affected a lot by kernel function and its parameters, and a fine recognitionprecision can only be obtainedwhen the kernel function s parameters are appropriate. The stability ofclassification can beeffectively mi proved by parameter selection via cross-validate grid searchmethod.
Keywords:hyperspectral remote sensing   classification   KernelFisherDiscrmi inantAnalysis   kernel function
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