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Plutonism in the Variscan Odenwald (Germany): from subduction to collision
Authors:R. Altherr  U. Henes-Klaiber  E. Hegner  M. Satir  C. Langer
Affiliation:Mineralogisches Institut, Universit?t Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 236, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Tel.: +49-6221-548206, Fax: +49-6221-544805 e-mail: raltherr@classic.min.uni-heidelberg.de, DE
Institut für Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie, Universit?t Tübingen, Wilhelmstrasse 56, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany, DE
Abstract: Latest Devonian to early Carboniferous plutonic rocks from the Odenwald accretionary complex reflect the transition from a subduction to a collisional setting. For ∼362 Ma old gabbroic rocks from the northern tectonometamorphic unit I, initial isotopic compositions (εNd=+3.4 to +3.8;87Sr/86Sr =0.7035–0.7053;δ18O=6.8–8.0‰) and chemical signatures (e.g., low Nb/Th, Nb/U, Ce/Pb, Th/U, Rb/Cs) indicate a subduction-related origin by partial melting of a shallow depleted mantle source metasomatized by water-rich, large ion lithophile element-loaded fluids. In the central (unit II) and southern (unit III) Odenwald, syncollisional mafic to felsic granitoids were emplaced in a transtensional setting at approximately 340–335 Ma B.P. Unit II comprises a mafic and a felsic suite that are genetically unrelated. Both suites are intermediate between the medium-K and high-K series and have similar initial Nd and Sr signatures (εNd=0.0 to –2.5;87Sr/86Sr=0.7044–0.7056) but different oxygen isotopic compositions (δ18O=7.3–8.7‰ in mafic vs 9.3–9.5‰ in felsic rocks). These characteristics, in conjunction with the chemical signatures, suggest an enriched mantle source for the mafic magmas and a shallow metaluminous crustal source for the felsic magmas. Younger intrusives of unit II have higher Sr/Y, Zr/Y, and Tb/Yb ratios suggesting magma segregation at greater depths. Mafic high-K to shoshonitic intrusives of the southern unit III have initial isotopic compositions (εNd=–1.1 to –1.8;87Sr/86Sr =0.7054–0.7062;δ18O=7.2–7.6‰) and chemical characteristics (e.g., high Sr/Y, Zr/Y, Tb/Yb) that are strongly indicative of a deep-seated enriched mantle source. Spatially associated felsic high-K to shoshonitic rocks of unit III may be derived by dehydration melting of garnet-rich metaluminous crustal source rocks or may represent hybrid magmas. Received: 7 December 1998 / Accepted: 27 April 1999
Keywords:  Odenwald  Mid-German Crystalline Rise  Magmatic arc  Subduction  Granitoid genesis  O  Sr  Nd isotope systematics  High-K granitoids  Monzonitic suite
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