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High temperature alteration of Abyssal ultramafics from the Islas Orcadas Fracture Zone,South Atlantic
Authors:K. L. Kimball  F. S. Spear  H. J. B. Dick
Affiliation:(1) Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 02139 Cambridge, MA, USA;(2) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 02543 Woods Hole, MA, USA;(3) Present address: Department of Geological Sciences, State University of New York at Albany, 12222 Albany, New York;(4) Present address: Department of Geology, Renssalear Polytechnic Institute, 12181 Troy, New York
Abstract:Ultramafic rocks dredged from the Islas Orcadas Fracture Zone, along the SW Indian Ocean Ridge (6° E and 54° S), show evidence of progressive hydration beginning at temperatures greater than 600° C (and perhaps as high as 900° C) and continuing to less than 50° C. There are two principal types of alteration present in the ultramafic rocks, both of which are the result of hydration reactions. The first type of alteration involves hydration of original clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine to amphibole, talc, secondary olivine, and serpentine. The second is a vein type of alteration and results in the formation of veins of amphibole, chlorite, talc and serpentine. — The alteration appears to be episodic. The sequence of events suggested by the petrography is: 1) clinopyroxene altering to amphibole; 2) orthopyroxene altering to talc, or talc + olivine; 3) supersolvus hornblende veining; 4) coexisting actinolite + hornblende veining; 5) chlorite, chlorite + actinolite, or chlorite + secondary clinopyroxene veining; 6) talc veining; 7) serpentine veining; and 8) pervasive serpentinization. — The alteration fluid is most likely seawater. It is suggested that the high temperature alterations may reflect seawater circulation into the upper mantle.
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