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Annual report of IGCP Project No.440 in 2003 Rodinia assembly and breakup
摘    要:With the latest information on geology, isotop chronology, geochemistry and aerial geophysics, the structural enviroment, geological event characterists and evolution history of component units of Rodinia Supercontinent on a global scale are discussed. And some neo views and genetic pattern are provided. The East Eurppean Craton had a complex evolution history between 1.7 and 0.9 Ga. The arthors propose a new reconstruction of Laurentia acient land and Siberia at ca. 1 050-1 000 Ma. The largest litho-structural record of the Meso-Neoproterozoic orogenic collage in South America made up the western border of the South American Platform African Cratons are the result of convergence of Paleoproterozoic/Archaem Cratonic blocks. A part of Eastern Antarctica attached to southern Africa in Mesoproterozoic.Neoproterozoic felsic magmatic events in New India made the western border of Rodinia Pre-Grevoillian Laurentia was established as a major continental block by the end of the Paleoproterozoic. South China is geologically plausible to be between southern Laurentia and eastern Australia. Yangzi-Tarim connection or neighborhood is proposed. According to the abovementionded, the assembly and breakup paattem of Rodinia proposed by Pisarevsky is tested. It telles that primary break up is along the western border of Laurentia ancient land, which is similar to northern Atlantic. Another characteristic is that some continents are not considered as component parts of Rodinia, eg. India, Congo and San-Francisco.

关 键 词:IGCP 地质学 同位素地质年代学 地球化学 地球物理学
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