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Rapid Climatic Change during Past 60 ka Recorded in NE Indian Ocean and Its Correspondence from South China Land
Authors:Fang Nianqiao  CHEN Xuefang  Hu Chaoyong  Yin Yong  Ding Xuan  ZHANG Shihong  Nie Haogang
Abstract:According to the marine records from the Bay of Bengal, northeastern Indian Ocean, and the continental records from the South China, the authors make a detailed discussion in this paper about the correlation between them and their implication of rapid climatic change. The marine records show its good response to the high latitudes both for cold events and for warm ones while the continental records mainly mirror those cold Heinrich events corresponding to the North Atlantic but bear strongly a local color in reflecting warm events. The authors assume that the heat transmission style may cause the unbalanced coupling relationship.
Keywords:rapid climatic change   northeastern Indian Ocean   South China Land   tele connection.
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