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引用本文:阮伟,黄洁. 潮流沙脊和沙波沉积结构特征——以西班牙东北部比利牛斯前陆盆地Roda砂岩组为例[J]. 沉积学报, 2010, 28(1): 118-127
作者姓名:阮伟  黄洁
作者单位:中国地质大学,北京,能源学院,北京,100083;Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712,U.S.A;中国地质大学(北京)能源学院 北京 100083;Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78733 -8924, U.S.A
基金项目:BITE Industry Consortium研究项目,国家留学基金委(CSC)资助项目 
摘    要:以位于西班牙东北部的比利牛斯前陆盆地(Pyrenean Foreland Basin)南部的Roda砂岩组三段为对象,研究潮流沙脊、沙波的内部结构特征。主要的沉积结构为大型楔状、板状交错层理,局部发育大型槽状交错层理,平行层理和小型波纹层理等。垂向上,板状交错层理呈向上变粗变厚的趋势。潮汐束厚度周期性变化,复活面众多,双泥层不发育,局部可见鱼骨状交错层理。交错层理底部生物扰动强,内部较弱,贝壳碎屑常见,泥粒在交错层理底部普遍,古水流方向多变但主要以向西方向为主,主流方向与三角洲的前积方向呈锐角至平行关系,指示潮流沙脊和沙波共存。

关 键 词:Roda砂岩  潮流沙脊  潮流沙波  大型交错层理  三角洲

Sedimentary Architecture Characteristics of Tidal Bars and Dunes: An example from Roda Sandstone in Pyrenean Foreland Basin, NE Spain
RUAN Wei,HUANG Jie. Sedimentary Architecture Characteristics of Tidal Bars and Dunes: An example from Roda Sandstone in Pyrenean Foreland Basin, NE Spain[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2010, 28(1): 118-127
Authors:RUAN Wei  HUANG Jie
Affiliation:School of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083
Abstract:The outcrops of Roda Sandstone Ⅲ are located in the southern Pyrenean Foreland Basin, in the northeast of Spain. The key sedimentary structures of the tidal ridges or waves are stacked sets of large scale wedge and tabular cross-strata as well as plane-parallel lamination, ripple lamination. In vertical section, the tidal ridges or waves show a trend of thickening and coarsening upwards. The thickness of tidal bunches vary periodically and the reactivation surfaces are common; double mud drapes are rare, but herringbone cross-strata can be. Bioturbation can be intense in the bottomsets of the cross-bedding. Shell fragments and mud clasts are common. The directions of paleocurrent were polydirectional, but most concentrated on westward direction, which is parallel to acute angle with the orientation of the progradation of delta front. The result suggests the tidal ridges and waves coexisted.
Keywords:Roda sandstone  tidal ridges  tidal waves  big scale cross-bedding  delta
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