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Comparison of interpretations of geochemical soil data by some multivariate statistical methods, Key Anacon, N.B., Canada
Authors:C.Y. Chork  G.J.S. Govett
Affiliation:School of Applied Geology, University of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1, Kensington, N.S.W. 2033, Australia
Abstract:The nature of the information - and its usefulness - that can be obtained from some of the more common multivariate statistical techniques is illustrated by their application to H and B horizon soils analyzed for 16 variables from the vicinity of the Key Anacon massive sulphide deposit (New Brunswick, Canada) where the geochemical response is erratic and the contrasts low. The theoretical bases of the statistical techniques are given in an appendix.Stepwise linear discriminant functions are employed as a classifying technique on H horizon soils to identify a regional anomaly, and on B horizon soils to derive discriminant scores to define the location of the sulphide zone. R-mode nonlinear mapping (RNLM) indicates that the variables Hg, Cl, and conductance are closely correlated with the organic carbon content; variations in the latter are clearly related to variations in the secondary environment.Q-mode NLM using Pb, Zn, Co, and Ni as variables (identified as good discriminators by stepwise linear discriminant function) identify “outlying” anomalous samples related to the mineralized zones. A principal component biplot (using the same variables employed in the Q-mode NLM) indicates essentially the same samples as being anomalous as the Q-mode NLM. The biplot technique has the added advantage of also indicating which variable(s) is responsible for any particular sample being identified as anomalous.The practical result of the investigation is that the zone of sulphide mineralization defined by drilling and from underground data is confidently identified and defined. A number of geophysical magnetic anomalies over the same stratigraphic horizon has a relatively weak or no geochemical response, although a few locations are defined as second priority targets for follow-up work.
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