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Form and dimensions of dykes in eastern Iceland
Authors:Agust Gudmundsson
Abstract:A study was made of about 700 dykes in eastern Iceland. The majority of these belong to three swarms. About 73% dip within 10° of the vertical. Most strike between 10° and 40°NE. The strike of the dykes within the southernmost swarm (Alftafjordur) changes along its trace, from almost N at the north end to NNE-SSW southward along the swarm. The average thickness of the dykes is about 4.1 m, and the thickness does not change notably along the Alftafjordur swarm. The thinner dykes tend to have smaller grains than the thicker dykes. Of five dykes followed laterally, the longest is over 22 km. The thickness of individual dykes changes irregularly along their length, and the dyke is often offset where its thickness changes. Many dykes appear to be completely discontinuous, but some parts are connected by veins. Where the dykes end in a vertical section, most of them simply taper away. Only about 10.5% of the dykes occupy faults. The mechanical and thermal effects of the dykes on the country rock are small. Many of the dykes appear to be non-feeders, i.e. dykes that never reached the surface to feed lava flows. Using the length/width ratio, the depth of origin of three dykes has been estimated. The maximum depth of origin of these three dykes is 7.5 km, 9 km and 10 km below the original surface.
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