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引用本文:宋叔和. 中国一些主要金属矿床类型及其时空分布规律问题[J]. 矿床地质, 1991, 10(1): 10-18
摘    要:中国已发现了许多规模较大的金属矿床,其中以铁-铜-镍、锌-铅、锰-铝和钨-锡-钼十种四组矿床最具特色。它们分别产于前寒武纪古陆和显生宙的地槽褶皱系中。比较发育的成矿期是太古一早元古代、中元古代、晚古生代和中生代。根据许多矿床分别产于以海相喷出沉积为主和喷出、侵入均极发育的不同地质构造环境中,说明一些金属矿床的形成是严格地受地质构造环境控制的。在地质构造演化历史过程中,类似的地质构造环境虽然可以形成近似的矿床,但这仅是少数矿床类型,总的说成矿作用是由简而繁,显生宙比隐生宙出现更多的新矿床类型。因此中国一些金属矿床的时空分布是明显地具有一定的规律性的。

关 键 词:金属 矿床 类型 时空分布 中国

Time and space distribution of some major types of metallic ore deposits of china
Abstract:In this paper, ore deposits discussed only include Fe, Cu, Ni; Zn, Pb, Mn, Al; W, Sn and Mo. The most ancient ore deposit, as we know, occurred in tile eastern part of Sine-Korea oldland. They are Qianxi and AnshaxI siliceous banded magnetite ore deposits which occurred in the late Archean submarine volcano-sedimentary rocks. In the early Proterozoic, the characteristics of ore formation are the appearance of special types of copper deposits, for examples, the spilite-keratophyre hosted Dahongshan copper-iron deposit occurred in the rifted geosyncline within Kangdian geotectonic unit, Tongkuanyu copper deposit in the southwest part of Sine-Korea, and the ultramafic rock hosted Baijiazuizi copper-nickel deposit occurred along the border of Alashan geotectonic unit. Typical geosynclinal deposition of thick argillaceous, siliceous and limy rocks with comparatively minor submarine volcanics were aceumulated in the middle Proterozoic and within this new geological environment, the rare-earth-bearing Baiyunebo hematite-magnetite deposit, the Langshan sediment-hosted lead-zinc ore belt, and the Jingtieshan siderite-hematite deposit in the marginal belt of Sino-Korea-Alashan geotectonic unit, were formed. The appearance of large lead-zinc ore deposits and the first formation of industrial manganese sedimentary ore deposit remind us that middle Proterozoic is a new period of metallic ore formation in China. Late Proterozoic is a weak period in the formation of metallic ores, but a special type of iron deposits, the V-Ti magnetite ore deposit of basic-ultrabasic rock-type were formed. After the formation of Chinese protoplatform, in Phanerozoic time, new geological environments generated many new types of ore deposits such as the Carboniferous sedimentary aluminum ore deposit of diaspore type and large Tungsten, tin, molybdenum, and porphyry copper deposits of Mesozoic time. Similar geological environment to the Precambrian may inherit or recycle in the formation of similar deposits, for example, the spilite-keratophyre-hosted massive sulfide polymetallic deposits of Palaeozoie and Mesozoic time. It is evident that in China the most productive metallogenic epochs are Archean-Lower Proterozoic, Middle Proterozoic, Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic. We may conclude that the above-stated ore deposits formed in different geological environments are different in their metal sources.
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