Abstract: | Based on isotropic linear poroelastic theory and under the undrained condition, we summarize three equations connecting the Skempton's coefficient B with the groundwater level. After analysis, we propose a method to calculate the Skempton's coefficient B according to the relationship between water level and tidal strain. With this method we can get the value of B without the earthquake occurrence, which can provide the high frequency waves for research. Besides, we can also get the in-suit Skempton's coefficient B without the experiment of rock physics. In addition, we analyze the observed data of Changping station recorded in groundwater monitoring network (abv., GMN) before and after the Wenchuan MS8.0 with this method, and find out there's a slight change of the value of B after the seismic waves passed by, which implies that the propagation of seismic waves may have brought some variations to the poroelastic medium of the well. |