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The Petrology of Plutonic Blocks and Inclusions from the Lesser Antilles Island Arc
Affiliation:1Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University P.O. Box 4, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600, Australia
2Department of Geological Sciences, Durham University Durham, DH1 3LE, England
Abstract:Three main groups of plutonic nodules are present in the LesserAntilles arc and are interpreted as (a) phenocryst clusters,(b) metamorphosed wallrock xenoliths and (c) cumulate texturedxenoliths. Large cumulate blocks display felsic-mafic layering,slump structures and auto-intrusive features. The majority ofspecimens are ad- and heteradcumulates with fewer ortho- andcrescumulates. Interstitial scoria and glass are present ina variety of samples. Plagioclase, amphibole, cino- and orthopyroxene,olivine, magnetite, biotite, ilmenite, quartz and apatite arepresent in various proportions in individual blocks. Plagioclaseand amphibole are modally predominant. Significant variationalong the arc is displayed in the rarity of orthopyroxene andabundance of amphibole in the southern islands compared withthe common presence of two pyroxenes in the northern islands. Plagioclase varies from An100–36 with very low orthoclasecomponent, and usually precedes amphibole in a given crystallizationsequence. Only on Grenada are plagioclase-free blocks present.Olivine is restricted to assemblages where coexisting plagioclaseis more calcic than An89 and its composition range is Fo90–59.Clinopyroxene is predominantly calcic augite and cinopyroxene,olivine and plagioclase all coexist stably with amphibole. Ageneral trend of decreasing Ca content in clinopyroxene fromsouth to north in the arc is present. Orthopyroxene ranges from En73–49 and is most common inassemblages where the coexisting plagioclase is more sodic thanAn83 Coexisting pyroxenes define temperatures in the range bsime800–1050?C. Amphibole compositions include pargasite, magnesiohastingsite,magnesio-hornblende and tschermakitic hornblende. The K contentof the amphiboles increases from north to south in the samesense as the general tholeiitic-calcalkalic-alkalic variationof parental magmas. Magnetite is the dominant spinel phase but ferrian chromiteand chromian magnetite are present in some Grenada cumulatesand pleonaste is found in rare St. Kitts samples. Ilmenite ispresent in blocks from several islands; coexisting Fe-Ti oxidesdefine a temperature range of 710?-950 ?C at Formula of 15.5 to 10.0 bars. Biotite, quartz and apatiteare restricted to evolve cumulate types. Some modification of interstitial scoria/glass compositionsfrom equilibrium melts has occurred in the majority of samples,but general similarity with erupted lava types is importantevidence for the cognate relationship of the cumulate assemblages.The role of H2O is crucial in determining the calcic natureof island arc plutonic plagioclase when compared with relativelydry, layered tholeiitic plutons. Some modal and chemical featuresof cumulate-lava comparisons suggest plagioclase flotation maybe significant. A variety of thermodynamic calculations indicate temperaturesand pressures of crystallization in the range 850–1050?C, 4–10 kb. No evidence exists for systematic along-arcvariations in these parameters. Standard amphibole crystallinesolution models give unsatisfactory results for Formula calculations. Some distinctive contrasts between cumulate and phenocryst modesare present. The abundance of amphibole in equilibrium withbasaltic melts in the plutonic situation compared with its rarityin lavas is striking. Plagioclase coexisting with a given meltis more anorthitic in the plutonic than the phenocryst mode. Least squares fractionation tests demonstrate the possibilityof relating basalt-andesite-dacite suites by fractional crystallizationof the cumulus phases. Trace element systematics of cumulate-lavasuites for individual islands also generally support this hypothesis.The suggestion of sole amphibole fractionation for the generationof andesite from basalt is discarded. * Present address: CRAE, Box 39598, Darwin, N.T. 5798, Australia.
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