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A practical approach for the assimilation of cloudy infrared radiances and its evaluation using airs simulated observations

A variational estimation procedure for the simultaneous retrieval of cloud parameters and thermodynamic profiles from infrared radiances is proposed. The method is based on a cloud emissivity model which accounts for the frequency dependence of cloud absorption and scattering and possible mixed phase situations. An effective cloud top height and emissivity are assumed. Monte Carlo experiments performed in a 1D‐var assimilation context using simulated Atmospheric Infrared Radiance Sounder (AIRS) observations from 100 channels demonstrate the substantial added value, in theory, of cloudy radiance assimilation as opposed to clear‐channel assimilation. Improved temperature and humidity retrievals are obtained for a broad layer above the cloud as well as below cloud level under partial cloud cover conditions. The impact is most pronounced in broken to overcast situations involving mid‐level clouds. In these situations, the effective cloud top height and emissivity are retrieved with estimated rms errors typically lower than 30 hPa and 3%, respectively. Expected relative errors on the retrieved effective particle size are of the order of 30–50%. The methodology is directly applicable to real hyperspectral infrared data upon inclusion, for local estimation, of the cloud parameters in the Canadian 4D‐var assimilation system.
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