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Cation exchange capacity of loess and overlying soil in the non-carbonate loess sections, North-Western Croatia
Authors:Nenad Tomašić  Štefica Kampić  Iva Juranović Cindrić  Kristina Pikelj  Mavro Lučić  Danijela Mavrić  Tajana Vučetić
Affiliation:1. Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Horvatovac 95, HR-10000, Zagreb, Croatia
2. Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Horvatovac 102a, HR-10000, Zagreb, Croatia
3. Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Horvatovac 102a, HR-10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract:The adsorption properties in terms of cation exchange capacity and their relation to the soil and sediment constituents (clay minerals, Fe-, Mn-, and Al-oxyhydroxides, organic matter) were investigated in loess, soil-loess transition zone, and soil at four loess-soil sections in North-Western Croatia. Cation exchange capacity of the bulk samples, the samples after oxalate extraction of Fe, Mn and Al, and after removal of organic matter, as well as of the separated clay fraction, was determined using copper ethylenediamine. Cation exchange capacity (pH~7) of the bulk samples ranges from 5 to 12 cmol c /kg in soil, from 7 to 15 cmol c /kg in the soil-loess transition zone, and from 12 to 20 cmol c /kg in loess. Generally, CEC values increase with depth. Oxalate extraction of Fe, Mn, and Al, and removal of organic matter cause a CEC decrease of 3–38% and 8–55%, respectively, proving a considerable influence of these constituents to the bulk CEC values. In the separated clay fraction (<2 μm) CEC values are up to several times higher relative to those in the bulk samples. The measured CEC values of the bulk samples generally correspond to the clay mineral content identified. Also, a slight increase in muscovite/illite content with depth and the vermiculite occurrence in the loess horizon are concomitant with the CEC increase in deeper horizons, irrespective of the sample pretreatment.
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