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引用本文:路智, 刘永顺, 钟爱丽, 聂保锋, 李赫. 2023. 冀北承德地区孤山二长闪长岩及其包体与捕虏体的岩石学与地质意义. 地质科学, 58(4): 1414-1445. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.078
作者姓名:路智  刘永顺  钟爱丽  聂保锋  李赫
作者单位:首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院 北京 100048
摘    要:


关 键 词:孤山二长闪长岩   包体   超镁铁—镁铁质杂岩型捕虏体   绿帘角闪岩相   俯冲环境

Petrology and its geological significance of Gushan monzodiorite pluton and its enclaves and xenoliths in Chengde area,northern Hebei Province
Lu Zhi, Liu Yongshun, Zhong Aili, Nie Baofeng, Li He. 2023. Petrology and its geological significance of Gushan monzodiorite pluton and its enclaves and xenoliths in Chengde area, northern Hebei Province. Chinese Journal of Geology, 58(4): 1414-1445. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.078
Authors:Lu Zhi  Liu Yongshun  Zhong Aili  Nie Baofeng  Li He
Affiliation:College of Resource, Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048
Abstract:The Gushan diorite pluton in the Damiao area of Chengde City is associated with the Precambrian Damiao anorthosite complex, which mainly consists of diorite and different types of dark enclaves and ultramafic-mafic complex-typed xenoliths. The main lithology of Gushan diorite pluton is monzodiorite, which contains monzodiorite, biotite-pyroxene-hornblendite and plagioclase-amphibolite enclaves and ultramafic-mafic complex-typed xenoliths. The ultramafic-mafic complex-typed xenoliths consist of biotite-pyroxene-hornblendite, plagioclase-amphibolite, marble with gabbro-diorite enclaves, etc. The Gushan diorite, as well as its enclaves and complex-typed xenoliths generally experienced the metamorphism of the epidote amphibolite facies, the typical metamorphic reaction is Cpx+Pl+H2O→Amp2+Ep+Ab±Chl. Among them, the hornblendes in the monzodiorite have two types, primary hornblendes and metamorphic hornblendes growing in a zonal pattern around the clinopyroxenes which were formed by the metamorphic reaction of clinopyroxene. Chemical compositions of Gushan monzodiorites belong to extreme and low-degree SiO2 unsaturated rocks of normal type, which enriches large ion lithophile elements (Sr, Ba and K), depletes high field strength elements (Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti) and has low Rb and Y content. The compatible element Ni and Cr contents are low and V content is high. The LREEs are enriched, the LREEs and HREEs are clearly differentiated, and Eu has slight positive anomaly. Through the comparative studies of Gushan monzodiorite with Archean TTG, high-Mg diorite, typical sanukitoids, monzodiorite in Finland and West Greenland, Nain ferrodiorite in New York and Zedang diorite in Tibet, it is shown that Gushan monzodiorite with the characteristics of sanukitoids in the geochemistry of trace elements and rare earth elements is very similar to Zedang diorite and should be the products of subduction environment. This study is of great significance to understand the genesis of Damiao anorthosite complex and the tectonic evolution in northern Hebei Province.
Keywords:Gushan mozondiorite  Enclaves  Ultramafic-mafic complex-typed xenoliths  Epidote amphibolite facies  Subduction environment
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