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商周时期角镞制作流程的分析与研究初探: 以旬邑西头遗址为例
引用本文:李鑫叶, 豆海锋. 商周时期角镞制作流程的分析与研究初探: 以旬邑西头遗址为例[J]. 第四纪研究, 2023, 43(5): 1471-1482. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2023.05.24
作者姓名:李鑫叶  豆海锋
作者单位:1. 西北大学, 中国-中亚人类与环境"一带一路"联合实验室, 陕西 西安 710127; 2. 西北大学, 文化遗产研究与保护技术教育部重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710127; 3. 西北大学文化遗产学院, 陕西 西安 710127
摘    要:

西头遗址(35°02'15.56″N,108°12'59.68″E)位于陕西省旬邑县,是目前泾河流域规模最大的商周时期聚落遗址。其中商周时期文化层中出土了一批鹿角料、半成品角镞、成品角镞,它们之间具有关联的制作工序为复原和研究西头遗址角镞的加工流程及制作工艺提供了宝贵的材料。本研究采用形态分类、动物种属鉴定、痕迹观察、模拟实验等方法对西头遗址出土的鹿角料、半成品角镞、成品角镞进行观察与分析,结果显示西头遗址出土鹿角料16件,其中5件可以确认为梅花鹿(Cervus nippon),其余11件仅能够鉴定为梅花鹿或马鹿(Cervus nippon/Cervus elaphus)。西头遗址出土的鹿角料表面均有锯切痕迹,主要分布在鹿角的主枝、眉枝、角基的截断面;出土半成品角镞1件,由鹿角制成,其表面有打磨痕迹、条痕,主要分布在铤部;出土67件成品角镞,其中66件角镞由鹿角制成,1件因风化严重,材质无法辨识。成品角镞中有58件表面存在锯切痕迹、打磨痕迹、刻划痕迹、条痕。西头遗址角镞的加工流程可分为六道工序:原料采备→截断角料→截取角条→制作粗坯→打磨成型→精细加工;此外,结合西头遗址的地理位置及自然环境对西头遗址角镞的制作工艺及其背后所反映的古代社会动物资源的获取与利用也取得了一些新的认识。西头遗址鹿角料的获取方式主要包括采集自然脱落的鹿角和人为获取非自然脱落的鹿角两种方式,梅花鹿作为西头遗址角镞制作的主要来源,很可能在当地被猎杀并将鹿角与头部分离从而获取鹿角资源。鹿角料的截断方式为从多个方向环绕一周进行锯切,且保持中间部分未被锯断,随后将鹿角料两端分别放置在垫物及地面上,再用重物进行敲击,直至断开。以往研究认为铤部的加工痕迹是刀削痕迹,本研究通过模拟实验发现打磨也可以产生相同的痕迹。该研究对于揭示古人制作角镞的完整加工流程及不同环节的制作工艺具有重要意义,同时为进一步认识商周时期大型聚落遗址的制骨活动积累了新的材料。

关 键 词:西头遗址   商周时期   角镞   加工流程   制作工艺   动物资源

Research on the production process of antler arrowheads in the Shang and Zhou dynasties: Taking the Xitou site in Xunyi County,Shaanxi Province as an example
LI Xinye, DOU Haifeng. Research on the production process of antler arrowheads in the Shang and Zhou dynasties: Taking the Xitou site in Xunyi County, Shaanxi Province as an example[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2023, 43(5): 1471-1482. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2023.05.24
Authors:LI Xinye  DOU Haifeng
Affiliation:1. China-Central Asia Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Human and Environment Research, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, Shaanxi; 2. Key Laboratory of Cultural Heritage Research and Conservation, Ministry of Education, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, Shaanxi; 3. School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, Shaanxi
Abstract:The Xitou site(35°02'15.56″N, 108°12'59.68″E), located in Xunyi County, Shaanxi Province, is currently the largest Shang and Zhou period settlement site in the Jing River Basin. A number of antler materials, semi-finished and finished antler arrowheads were excavated from one of the cultural layers of the Shang and Zhou periods, and their interrelated production processes provide valuable materials for the recovery and study of the processing and production of arrowheads at the Xitou site. In this study, morphological classification, animal species identification, trace observation and simulation experiments were used to observe and analyse the antler material, semi-finished and finished arrowheads excavated from the Xitou site. And the results showed that 16 pieces of antler material were excavated from the Xitou site, five of which could be identified as Sika deer, while the remaining 11 pieces could only be identified as Sika deer or Horse Stag. The antler material all has saw marks on its surface, mainly on the truncated surfaces of the main beam, brow tine and antler base. One semi-finished antler arrowhead, made from antler, was excavated from the Xitou site, with polishing marks and striations on its surface, mainly on the collar. Sixty-seven finished antler arrowheads were excavated from the Xitou site, 66 of which were made from deer antlers, and one of which was severely weathered and could not be identified. Fifty-eight of the finished antler arrowheads have saw marks, polishing marks, scoring marks and striation marks on their surfaces. The process of processing antler arrowheads at the Xitou site can be divided into six processes: raw material extraction → cutting off the horn material → intercepting the horn strips → making rough blanks → polishing and shaping → fine processing.
Keywords:Xitou site  Shang and Zhou Dynasties  antler arrowheads  working process  production technology  animal resources
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