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Vertical distribution of plankton in the skagerrak in relation to doming of the seasonal thermocline
Authors:R.D. Pingree   P.M. Holligan   G.T. Mardell  R.P. Harris
Affiliation:2. Marine Biological Association, Citadel Hill, Plymouth, Devon PL1 2PB, U.K.
Abstract:In the central Skagerrak between Norway and Denmark, the seasonal thermocline tends to be relatively shallow (10 to 15 m) probably due to geostrophic effects. An investigation of phytoplankton distribution in this region in late August 1981 showed the presence of an intense subsurface chlorophyll maximum (up to 30 γ 1 Chl a) at a temperature of <6°C, dominated by coccolithophores and the dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum minimum. Data are presented on the vertical distribution of zooplankton in relation to these phytoplankton populations.
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