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Simulations for the Original Distribution of KBOs
Authors:ZUO Qing-lin  NIE Qing-xiangYANG Yuan-ling  FANG Jian-jun
Affiliation:College of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014
Abstract:Using the N-body dynamical model that includes the sun, the 8 planets, Pluto, UB313 and massless particles, we simulate the orbital evolution of 551 Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) with known parameters. The initial conditions of the simulations are the currently observed orbital parameters. The integration backtracks from now to -10×108 yr. The results show that about 10×108 years ago, more than 1/3 of the presently observed KBOs resided in the region of the present Kuiper main belt, a few were located inside the Neptune orbit, and the rest were beyond 50AU; and that about 4.5×108 years ago, all the objects in the Kuiper main belt exhibited a rather good normal distribution, without so many objects concentrated in the Neptune's 3:2 resonance region, as at present time.
Keywords:Solar system: Kuiper belt   Celestial mechanics   Methods: Nbody simulation
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