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Petrogenesis of a high-temperature metamorphic terrane: a new tectonic interpretation for the north Dabieshan, central China
Authors:R. Y. ZHANG  J. G. LIOU  C. H. TSAI
Affiliation:Department of Geological &Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA ()
Abstract:ABSTRACT The northern Dabie terrane consists of a variety of metamorphic rocks with minor mafic-ultramafic blocks, and abundant Jurassic-Cretaceous granitic plutons. The metamorphic rocks include orthogneisses, amphibolite, migmatitic gneiss with minor granulite and metasediments; no eclogite or other high-pressure metamorphic rocks have been found. Granulites of various compositions occur either as lenses, blocks or layers within clinopyroxene-bearing amphibolite or gneiss. The palaeosomes of most migmatitic gneisses contain clinopyroxene; melanosomes and leucosomes are intimately intermingled, tightly folded and may have formed in situ. The granulites formed at about 800–830 °C and 10–14 kbar and display near-isothermal decompression P–T paths that may have resulted from crust thickened by collision. Plagioclase-amphibole coronae around garnets and matrix PI + Hbl assemblages from mafic and ultramafic granulites formed at about 750–800 °C. Partial replacement of clinopyroxene by amphibole in gneiss marks amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism. Amphibolite facies orthogneisses and interlayered amphibolites formed at 680–750 °C and c. 6 kbar. Formation of oligoclase + orthoclase antiperthite after plagioclase took place in migmatitic gneisses at T ≤ 490°C in response to a final stage of retrograde recrystallization. These P–T estimates indicate that the northern Dabie metamorphic granulite-amphibolite facies terrane formed in a metamorphic field gradient of 20–35 °C km-1 at intermediate to low pressures, and may represent the Sino-Korean hangingwall during Triassic subduction for formation of the ultrahigh- and high-P units to the south. Post-collisional intrusion of a mafic-ultramafic cumulate complex occurred due to breakoff of the subducting slab.
Keywords:China    granulite    high-T metamorphism    northern Dabie terrane
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