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An investigation of seismicity for western Anatolia
Authors:Nilgün Sayil  İlhan Osmanşahin
Affiliation:(1) Engineering Faculty, Department of Geophysics, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, 61080, Turkey;(2) Engineering Faculty, Department of Geophysics, Istanbul University, Avcılar-Istanbul, 34850, Turkey
In order to investigate the seismicity of western Anatolia limited with the coordinates of 36°–40° N, 26°–32° E, Gutenberg–Richter magnitude–frequency relation, seismic risk and recurrence period have been computed. The data belonging to both the historical period before 1900 (I0 ≥ 5.0 corresponding to MS ≥ 4.4) and the instrumental period until the end of 2006 (MS ≥ 4.0) has been used in the analysis. The study area has been divided into 13 sub-regions due to certain seismotectonic characteristics, plate tectonic models and geology of the region. All the computations have been performed for these sub-regions, separately. According to the results, a and b values in the computed magnitude–frequency relations are in the intervals 3.19±0.17 – 5.15±0.52 and 0.42±0.05 – 0.66±0.07, respectively. The highest b values have been determined for sub-regions 3 and 12 (Demirci-Gediz and Gökova Gulf-Mu?la-Gölhisar). The lowest b values have also been determined for sub-regions 1 and 9 (Bal?kesir and Bodrum-?stanköy). Finally, seismic risk and recurrence period computations from a and b values have shown as expected that sub-regions 1 and 9 which have the lowest b values and the highest risks and the shortest-recurrence periods.
Keywords:Anatolia  Seismicity  Recurrence period  Poisson model
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