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Ellenbergerite,a new high-pressure Mg-Al-(Ti,Zr)-silicate with a novel structure based on face-sharing octahedra
Authors:Christian Chopin  Rolf Klaska  Olaf Medenbach  Dominique Dron
Affiliation:(1) Laboratoire de Géologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, E.R. 224, 46 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris, France;(2) Institut für Mineralogie, Ruhr-Universität, 4630 Bochum 1, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:Ellenbergerite occurs as purple millimetre-size grains associated with talc, kyanite, clinochlore, rutile, and zircon in composite inclusions within decimetre-large pyrope crystals (90–98 mole percent end-member) in the quartzite layer of the Dora Maira massif, Western Alps, from which coesite has been recently reported (Chopin 1984). It is hexagonal, a=12.255(8), c=4.932(4) Å, Z=1, space group P63. Mohs hardness 6.5; Dmes 3.15, Dcal 3.10; no cleavage. Uniaxial negative and vividly pleochroic,ohgr colourless,epsi colourless to deep lilac with colour zoning. The intensely coloured variety hasohgr 1.6789(5),epsi 1.670(1); microprobe analysis yields SiO2 39.1, P2O5 0.45, Al2O3 25.1, TiO2 4.0, MgO 22.2, FeO 0.20, sum 99.05 wt.% including H2O 8.0 (coulometrically). The formula calculated on a O28(OH)10 basis (implying 7.5 wt.% H2O) is Mg6.71 Fe0.03 Ti0.61 Al6.00 Si7.92 P0.08 O28(OH)10 The colour zoning is due to nearly complete TirlharZr substitution. In addition ellenbergerite may contain more than 8 wt.% P2O5 with strictly correlated changes of Si, Mg, Al and Ti+Zr contents, over 80% of which represent the SiAlrlharPMg substitution.The structure has been determined from 1049 observed independent reflections and refined to R=0.034, Rw=0.031, including six of ten protons. It consists of single chains of face-sharing octahedra with one third vacancies extending along the six-fold screw axes, and of pairs of fully occupied face-sharing octahedra linked by edge-sharing to form octahedral double chains parallel to the twofold screw axes, all interconnected by SiO4 tetrahedra. It may be compared with the dumortierite polymorph with space group P63mc derived hypothetically by Moore and Araki (1978). The structural formula is (Mg,Ti,Zr,squ)2 Mg6(Al,Mg)6 (Si,P)2 Si6 O28(OH)10 Face-sharing octahedra are an unusual feature in silicates which results in a dense structure and reflects, considering the common bulk composition, the uncommon high-pressure formation conditions (about 25–30 kbar, 700–800° C). Ti4+-Fe2+ charge transfer between face-sharing octahedra on the six-fold screw axes most likely accounts for the absorption scheme.
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