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Holocene environmental change at Lake Njulla (999 m a.s.l.), northern Sweden: a comparison with four small nearby lakes alongan altitudinal gradient
Authors:Christian Bigler  Evastina Grahn  Isabelle Larocque  Adam Jeziorski  Roland Hall
Affiliation:(1) Climate Impacts Research Centre, Abisko Scientific Research Station, ANS, SE 981 07 Abisko, Sweden;(2) Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, N2L 3G1, Canada
Abstract:We assess Holocene environmental change at alpine Lake Njulla(68°22primeN, 18°42primeE, 999 m a.s.l.) innorthernmost Sweden using sedimentary remains of chironomid head capsules anddiatoms. We apply regional calibration sets to quantitatively reconstruct meanJuly air temperature (using chironomids and diatoms) and lake-water pH(using diatoms). Both chironomids and diatoms infer highest temperatures(1.7–2.3°C above present-day estimates, includinga correction for glacio-isostatic land up-lift by0.6°C) during the early Holocene (c.9,500–8,500 cal. yrs BP). Diatoms suggest a decreasing lake-waterpH trend (c. 0.6 pH units) since the early Holocene. Usingdetrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA), we compare the Holocenedevelopment of diatom communities in Lake Njulla with four other nearby lakes(Lake 850, Lake Tibetanus, Vuoskkujávri, Vuolep Njakajaure) locatedalong an altitudinal gradient. All five lakes show similar initial DCCA scoresafter deglaciation, suggesting that similar environmental processes such ashigh erosion rates and low light availability associated with high summertemperature appear to have regulated the diatom community, favouring highabundances of Fragilaria species. Subsequently, the diatomassemblages develop in a directional manner, but timing and scale ofdevelopment differ substantially between lakes. This is attributed primarily todifferences in the local geology, which is controlling the lake-waterpH. Imposed on the basic geological setting, site-specific processessuch as vegetation development, climate, hydrological setting andin-lake processes appear to control lake development in northernSweden.
Keywords:Abisko  Chironomids  Diatoms  Lake development  Lake-water pH  Mean July air temperature  Plant macrofossils  Quantitative reconstruction  Subarctic lakes  Vegetation change
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