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Phenolics in aquatic ecosystems: A selected review of recent literature
Authors:Arthur L Buikema  Matthew J McGinniss  John Cairns
Affiliation:Center for Environmental Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA;Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA;Center for Environmental Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA
Abstract:This review surveys the pertinent literature on phenolics in the aquatic ecosystem. Approximately 2% of the total organics manufactured in the US were phenols. Of the total phenolics produced in the US, 96% were synthetic and 4% were naturally occurring. Synthetic phenols arise from coking of coal, gas works and oil refineries, chemical plants, pesticide plants, wood preserving plants and dye manufacturing plants. Natural phenolics occur from aquatic and terrestrial vegetation and much of this is released by the pulp and paper industry.Toxicity of phenolics has been studied on selected microbes (e.g. protozoa, yeast and bacteria), algae, duckweed, and numerous invertebrates and vertebrates. Depending on the organism tested, the acute toxicity of phenol varies from 6·5 to 1840 mg/litre phenol. For other phenolics toxicity ranges from 0·084 to 555 mg/litre. The toxicity of phenolics varies with the type, position and number of substitutions on the parent molecule. Environmental factors affect the toxicity of phenolics and these include photolytic action, microbial degradation, pH, water hardness and temperature. Based on limited data, toxicity of phenolics may be less in continuous flow tests than in their sensitivity to phenolics as does the presence of oxygen. A seasonal factor may also affect the sensitivity of various fish. Starvation and lack of suitable substrate for bottom fauna increases organism sensitivity to phenol. The source of test animals may affect their sensitivity to phenolics and this effect may be due to short-term physiological acclimation and genetic selection.Studies on the biological effects of phenolics are limited and varied. Fish development and embryo survival were not affected by phenol levels less than 25 mg/litre. Amphibian embryos were sensitive to 0·5 mg/litre phenol. Pentachlorophenols inhibited fish growth at levels down to 1·74, μg/litre.Exposure of fish to phenol in concentrations as low as 4 mg/litre caused haemorrhaging at the base of the fins. Two hour exposure to 6·5 mg/litre phenol caused disruption of blood vessel walls and gill epithelium. Oedema and blood infiltration was a common effect observed in most major tissues studied from fishes exposed to phenol. Phenol, at 12·5 mg/litre, reduces the levels of neurohormones in fish exposed for 10 days. The effects of pentachlorophenol on blood glucose and blood lactate levels, and in vivo and in vitro activity levels of seven liver enzymes of eels are discussed. Pentachlorophenol, at 1·8 μg/litre, decreased assimilation conversion efficiency in underyearling salmon. Phenol also affects immunoglobin levels, blood protein levels and tissue micro-element levels. Feeding rates are affected by phenolics. Phenolics affect oxygen consumption rates and the effect may be on uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation with a subsequent reduction of ATP formation.Many aspects of behaviour are affected by phenolics and the phases of ‘intoxication’ leading to death have been described for fish and invertebrates.Fish detoxify phenolics by forming conjugate glucuronides and sulphates. Body burdens of phenolics varied with exposure time and exposure concentration. When fish pre-exposed to phenol are transferred to clean water, body burdens drop up to 90% after three to four hours. Depuration rates for other phenolics took longer; up to 30 days for pentachlorophenol.Little research has been done on the cycling of phenol and phenolics (other than pesticides) in aquatic ecosystems. Microbial degradation will decompose phenolics rapidly if suitable bacteria are present. Other factors affecting the loss of phenolics from aquatic ecosystems include photolysis, adsorption and dilution. Phenol entering subterranean aquifers may not dilute or degrade very quickly. In one documented case well-water levels up to 200 mg/litre were measured 18 months after a spill.
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