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引用本文:李吴波,;吴鹏,;王现金,;赵忠宜. 缓倾斜地层顶板离层水对综采工作面的危害及防治探讨[J]. 中国煤炭地质, 2009, 0(10): 42-45
作者姓名:李吴波,  吴鹏,  王现金,  赵忠宜
作者单位:[1]重庆一三六地质队,重庆渝北401147; [2]重庆松藻煤电有责任限公司打通一煤矿,重庆綦江401445
摘    要:以重庆松藻矿区在打通的一综采工作面缓倾斜地层中掘进时发生的两次顶板水灾为例,对其顶板突水原因进行了探讨。通过分析该矿区的矿井地质及水文地质条件,认为矿井充水水源为上覆地层的离层水。该矿井的M7-3煤层开采后,导水裂隙切穿了上覆地层长兴组灰岩,贯通了玉龙山一段灰岩隔水层,进入玉龙岩二段岩溶裂隙含水层。由于含水层的上覆岩层在采掘过程中,因岩性差异发生不均衡沉降,形成了大量的离层空间。离层空间吸收、储存的大量地表降雨在采掘工作面推进到一定位置时,就会发生突水。据估算,S1821工作面上覆岩体离层、裂隙储水空间按三分之一计算为2.064×105m^2,与该工作面抢险救灾期间排出的涌水量基本吻合。根据该矿离层水的赋存特点,提出了保证排水系统畅通,加强采煤设备管理,提高采面设计水平的防治水对策。

关 键 词:综采工作面突水  充水因素  离层水  防治水对策

Probe into Gently Dipping Strata Roof Stratifugic Water Jeopardizing on Fully Mechanized Mining Face and Controlling
Affiliation:Li Wubo, Wu Peng, Wang Xianjin and Zhao Zhongyi(1. No. 136 Coal Geological Exploration Team, Yubei, Chongqing 401147; 2. Datongyi Coalmine, Chongqing Songzao Coal and Power Co. Ltd., Qijiang, Chongqing 401445)
Abstract:To take the two roof water disasters during the driving in gently dipping strata fully mechanized mining face in the Datongyi coalmine, Songzao mine area, Chongqing, discussed the causation of roof water bursting. After analyzed the mine geological and hydrogeological conditions of the mine area, considered that the mine water filling source is stratifugic water from overlying strata. After the mining of the M7-3 coal seam, water conducted fissures cut through the overlying Changxing Formation limestone, penetrated the water confining limestone in the first member of Yulongshan Formation, and into the second member karstic fissure aquifer. Since the aquifer overlying strata differential settlement because of different lithologic characters during the mining, large amount of bed separation interspaces have formed. The interspaces have absorbed and stored large amount of atmospheric precipitation, when the winning face is advanced to a certain position, water bursting will happen. According to estimation, 1/3 volume of the S1821 face overlying rock mass water storing and accumulating interspaces is 2.064~105m3, basically correspond to discharged water amount from the working face during the rescue and relief course. Based on stratifugic water hosting characters in the mine, controlling countermeasures have put forward to ensure an expedite drainage system, strengthened coal mining equipment management, and improved working face design.
Keywords:water bursting in full mechanized mining face  water filling factor  stratifugic water  water controlling countermeasures
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