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Fe-Mg interdiffusion in magnesiowüstite up to 35 GPa
Authors:Daisuke Yamazaki  Tetsuo Irifune
Affiliation:Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577, Japan
Abstract:Fe-Mg interdiffusivities in (Fe,Mg)O magnesiowüstite have been measured in experiments conducted at pressures of 7-35 GPa and temperatures of 1573-1973 K using a Kawai-type high-pressure apparatus. The diffusion profiles were measured across the interface between MgO and (Fe0.5,Mg0.5)O samples by electron microprobe analysis, and the Fe-Mg interdiffusivities were determined as DFe-Mg=D0exp{−E*(1+PV*Mg/E*Mg)/RT}, where D0=4.1(+16.1−3.3)×10−7 m2/s, E*=(1−CMg)E*Fe+CMgE*Mg (activation energy for the concentration of Mg, where E*Fe=113(±74) kJ/mol and E*Mg=226(±32) kJ/mol), the activation volume V*Mg=1.8(±1.2)×10−6 m3/mol. By extrapolating these results to the P-T conditions of the core-mantle boundary, we conclude that the interdiffusivity of Fe-Mg in magnesiowüstite at the bottom of the lower mantle is at least one order of magnitude larger than that at the top of the lower mantle.
Keywords:magnesiowü  stite   interdiffusion   lower mantle   high-pressure experiment
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