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引用本文:贾文茹,李生宇,高晓阳,王宁波,王世杰,田野,刘建宇,毛文莲,唐金峰. 塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地不同种类植物叶面滞尘粒度特征[J]. 中国沙漠, 2014, 34(3): 658-665. DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00369
作者姓名:贾文茹  李生宇  高晓阳  王宁波  王世杰  田野  刘建宇  毛文莲  唐金峰
作者单位:1. 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011;2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;3. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司 塔里木油田分公司, 新疆 库尔勒 841000
摘    要:为了揭示不同种类植物叶面滞尘粒度特征,对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中沙漠植物园内10种阔叶植物的叶面滞尘和同一环境中集尘缸降尘进行取样,利用沉积物的粒度分析方法,研究了不同种植物叶面滞尘的粒度特征。结果表明:(1)植物叶面滞尘平均粒径为16~61 μm,以粉沙和极细沙为主,粉沙(65.85%)和黏土(7.77%)含量大于集尘缸降尘中的相应含量(32.01%,3.19%);植物叶面滞尘分选性较差,分选系数为1.42~1.74;偏度属于近对称、正偏或极正偏;峰态中等偏窄,峰度值集中在1.019~1.375。与集尘缸降尘相比,植物叶面滞尘颗粒偏细,分选性偏差,整体正偏程度偏小,峰态偏宽。(2)10种植物叶面滞尘粒度也存在差异,平均粒径排序为灰杨<银沙槐<沙枣<小叶白蜡<沙冬青<枸杞<沙打旺<铃铛刺<胀果甘草<白刺,表明植物叶面对大气降尘的滞留和吸附具有很强的选择性,而这种选择性是植物叶面特性(是否有绒毛或褶皱等)、植物生活型(乔木、灌木、草本)以及与之相应的风沙流颗粒分布、近地表小气候特征等因素综合作用的表现。(3)粒度参数相关散点图表明10种植物叶面滞尘、集尘缸降尘沉积环境不同,而平均粒径与分选性对沉积环境变化响应最为敏感。

关 键 词:大气降尘  叶面滞尘  粒度  叶面特性  生活型  塔克拉玛干沙漠  

The Foliar Dust Grain Size Characteristics of Different Plant Species in the Central Taklimakan Desert
Jia Wenru,Li Shengyu,Gao Xiaoyang,Wang Ningbo,Wang Shijie,Tian Ye,Liu Jianyu,Mao Wenlian,Tang Jinfeng. The Foliar Dust Grain Size Characteristics of Different Plant Species in the Central Taklimakan Desert[J]. ournal of Desert Research, 2014, 34(3): 658-665. DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00369
Authors:Jia Wenru  Li Shengyu  Gao Xiaoyang  Wang Ningbo  Wang Shijie  Tian Ye  Liu Jianyu  Mao Wenlian  Tang Jinfeng
Affiliation:1. Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China;2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3. Tarim Oilfield Corporation, China National Petroleum Corporation, Kurle 841000, Xinjiang, China
Abstract:In order to reveal the foliar dust grain-size characteristics of different plants, foliar dust of ten broadleaf plants and dustfall in cylinder were sampled in the Tazhong Botanical Garden in the Central Taklimakan Desert. The result shows that: (1) The mean particle size of foliar dust of ten plants is 16-61μm, particles are dominated by silt sand and fine sand, silt (65.854%) and clay (7.771%) content is greater than that of dustfall in cylinder (32.014% and 3.187%, respectively); Sorting of plant foliar dust is poor, the range of sorting coefficient is 1.416-1.742. Skewness is nearly positively skewed or very positively skewed. Kurtosis range is between medium and narrow, the kurtosis value is concentrated on the range of 1.019-1.375. Compared with dustfall in cylinder, the plants foliar dust is finer, poorly sorted, positively skewed in smaller range with wider-kurtosis. (2) The grain size of foliar dust is also different among the ten plants, the order in mean particle size from small to large is Populus pruinosa Schrenk, Ammodendron bifolium (Pall.)Yakovl., Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Fraxinus sogdiana Bge., Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Maxim.) Cheng f., Lycium chinense Mill, Astragalus adsurgens Pall., Halimodendron halodendron (Pall.)Voss., Glycyrrhiza inflata Batal and Nitraria tangutorum Bobr. The result shows that plants have very strong selectivity on the retention and adsorption to atmospheric dust, and the selectivity depends on a combination of factors such as plant foliar characteristics (whether or not there are villous or fold, etc.), plant life forms (trees, shrubs, herbaceous), particle size distribution of wind sand flow, and microclimate characteristics near the ground. (3) The scatter diagrams of grain size parameters indicate that the sedimentary environments are different between plant foliar dust and dustfall in cylinder, and among foliar dust of the ten plants. The mean grain size and sorting is the most sensitive to sedimentary environment.
Keywords:atmospheric dust  foliar dust  grain-size  foliar characteristics  life forms  Taklimakan Desert
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