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Modally-Graded Rhythmic Layering in the Skaergaard Intrusion
Affiliation:Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755
Abstract:The origin of igneous layering in the Skaergaard and other intrusionsis the subject of much debate. Currently held theories for itsorigin include gravitational sorting, rhythmic nucleation, andchemical diffusion models. This paper presents data on small-scale,modally-graded, rhythmic layers, one of several distinct typesof layering found in the Skaergaard. These layers occur onlyin the Layered Series of the intrusion, in which they are awidespread, almost ubiquitous feature. They are characterizedby strong variations in modal composition, with magnetite, ilmenite,and olivine concentrated in the lower part of the layers, pyroxenein the middle of the layers, and plagioclase in the upper partof the layers. In addition, the layers are size graded, withthe largest grain sizes of the different minerals generallyoccurring where the mineral is most abundant. The chemical compositionof both plagioclase and Ca-rich pyroxene do not vary in anyregular manner within the layers studied. The forsterite compositionof olivine is consistently higher in the lower part of the layers.This trend, however, correlates very strongly with the modalvariations of olivine and can be explained by minor amountsof subsolidus reequilibration between cumulus and adcumulusolivine, suggesting that the original composition of cumulusolivine within individual layers was constant. These results are consistent with layers formed by some gravitationalsorting process and, in several cases, are at odds with othertheories that have been proposed for the origin of igneous layers.Based on these data and the widespread evidence for currentinteraction (crossbeds, trough-shaped layers, and internallygraded layers), we propose that these layers result from periodicdisruption of a static zone of crystal growth on the floor ofthe magma chamber by convection or density currents. This mechanism,however, is almost certainly not responsible for the formationof all of the types of layering found in the intrusion.
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