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Characterization and properties of boron-doped aluminum hydroxide for Mn2+ adsorption and soil acidification
Authors:Shuijiao Liao  Guanglong Liu  Duanwei Zhu  Yue Li  Liying Ren  Jingzhen Cui
Affiliation:1. Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Ecological Environment Research, Centre for Microelement Research of Huazhong Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agriculture and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Wuhan, 430070, China
2. Department of Chemistry, College of Basic Sciences of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China
Abstract:Al hydroxide was prepared by hydrolysis of Al(NO3)3, and oc-B-Al hydroxide was prepared by hydrolysis of Al(NO3)3 in the presence of boric acid solution. Curve-fitted B1s XPS spectrum of oc-B-Al hydroxide demonstrated that the boron atom was probably incorporated with Al hydroxide to some extent. The IR band of Al–OH at 1,074 cm?1 of oc-B-Al hydroxide was weaker than that of Al hydroxide. This indicated some surface hydroxyl groups of Al–OH of oc-B-Al hydroxide had disappeared. These peaks at 1,320 and 1,458 cm?1 bands found in the oc-B-Al hydroxide were closer together than the salts containing boron, which are attributed to an interaction of aluminum hydroxide with boron. Analysis of XRD patterns indicated that Al hydroxide was very poorly crystalline boehmite, and oc-B-Al hydroxide appeared to have crystallite dimensions slightly smaller than those present in Al hydroxide. TEM showed that the presence of boron significantly decreased the size of Al hydroxide particles. The specific surface area of oc-B-Al hydroxide (556.0 m2 g?1) using BET method was larger than that of Al hydroxide (421.6 m2 g?1). This indicated the likelihood of Mn2+ adsorption ability of oc-B-Al hydroxide than the Al hydroxide. Boron-doped Al hydroxide always adsorbed more Mn2+, stabilized the sample solution pH to a higher value and slowed soil acidification than the Al hydroxide. It is suggested that boron in soils not only serves as a plant nutrient, but can also decrease the Mn2+ toxicity and slows soil acidification by formation of oc-B-Al hydroxide.
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