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Metamorphic Evolution of the Seward Peninsula Blueschist Terrane
Affiliation:Department of Geology AJ-20, University of Washington Seattle WA 98195
Abstract:Blucschists and greenschists of the central Seward Peninsula(the Nome Group) crop out over an 8000 km2 area. The protolithpackage for the mid-Jurassic high P/T metamorphism consistedlargely of Cambrian, possibly also Precambrian, to Devoniansedimentary rocks (limestones, marls, pelites, carbonaceoussiltites, quartzites) of shallow water miogeoclinal origin,which maintained a coherent lithostratigraphy during metamorphismand concurrent high-strain, noncoaxial deformation. Several experimentally and empirically calibrated geothermobarometershave been integrated with textural and microstructural observationsin order to derive a pressure-temperature (P-T) path for themetamorphism of the Nome Group. These data, coupled with previouslyobtained Rb-Sr phengite-whole-rock isochron ages, yield a P-T-tpath showing a steep burial segment followed by a prolongedperiod ({small tilde}55 Ma) of isothermal decompression. Peakpressures, obtained from the jadeite content of clinopyroxenein rare, isofacial eclogites, and from the celadonite contentin phengite yield {small tilde}12 kb. Temperatures at this pressure,gained from garnet-clinopyroxene and microcline-plagioclasepairs, were 460?30?C. Decompression temperatures were essentiallythe same, as evidenced by calcite-dolomite and garnet-biotitethermometry. Uniformity of metamorphic conditions throughoutthe Seward Peninsula blueschist terrane coupled with the miogeoclinalnature of the protolith package indicate burial beneath a flat-lying(A-type) subduction zone. The derived P-T-t path is difficultto reconcile with one-dimensional thermal models of collisionalblueschists, where peak P and T are not generally coincident.
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