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Relationship between the increase temperature and variation of ozone level over the Antarctica and Tibetan plateau in spring
Authors:Gao Dengyi  Sadao Kawagochi
Affiliation:Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing,National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract:on the ozone and aerological sounding data at Syowa Station (69° 00’S, 39°35’E), Antarctica during 1966—1979 and Lhasa Station (39°40’N, 91°08’E), Tibetan Plateau during 1979—1983, the processes of temperature increase in spring over the Tibetan Plateau and the Antarctica are compared in this paper, and the relationship between the increase of air temperature and variation of total ozone and ozone partial pressure is analyzed. It is found that: (1) The process of temperature increase over the Tibetan Plateau is quite different from that over the Antarctica in spring. This is a proof that the heating effects of their ground surface on the atmosphere are of great difference; (2) Sudden increase of total ozone is always associated with sudden warming in the stratosphere over the Antarctica, but sudden decrease of total ozone is associated with sudden warming in the troposphere over the Tibetan Plateau in spring: and (3) There is a good positive correlation, with a correlation coefficient of about 0.85, between the temperature increase and variation of ozone partial pressure in the stratosphere over the Antarctica in spring.
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