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Kinematic interpretation of folds in alpine-type peridotites
Authors:A. Nicolas  F. Boudier
Abstract:From a general understanding of the flow mechanisms in alpine-type peridotites, it is possible to describe without ambiguity the general flow regime and its directions in a massif. This result provides the means for an investigation of the origin of the folding in pyroxenitic layers independent of any preconceived theory on folding.The folds are usually isoclinal and of the flexural-flow type as demonstrated by petrofabric studies in hinges. Their axes are always parallel or subparallel to a mineral lineation which in turn is parallel or close to the orientation of the fabric elements defining the flow line. Their axial plane, which usually coincides with the foliation, is parallel to or close to the flow plane. This conclusion, also supported by paragenetic observations, shows that the folds were formed or transposed during the plastic flow responsible for the development of structures (foliation and lineation), textures and preferred mineral orientations. In the case of the Lanzo Massif and a few other Iherzolite massifs, the flow occurred during the intrusion from the mantle. The mapping in Lanzo yields evidence of a large-scale U-shaped fold with a remarkable pattern of mesoscopic folds attached to it: the tight isoclinal folds are restricted to the limbs of the largescale structure, and the open folds locally refolding former isoclinal ones to the hinge area where the angle between the folded pyroxenitic layering and the axial-plane foliation is large. Stereograms of the field structures in this hinge area clearly illustrate the geometric relations mentioned above.This folding, characterized by its axis and axial plane respectively close to the flow line and flow plane, can be explained either by rotation towards the flow line of non-cylindrical-fold axes or by direct formation in a non-plane flow when the flow line is initially contained in the layering or close to it. In this respect, the folding may bring information on the minor flow component, complementary to that given on the major flow component by considering the textures and fabrics. Finally this folding is shown to be ubiquitous in plastically deformed peridotites. It is proposed that these conclusions be extended to other domains submitted to intense non-plane flow.
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