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引用本文:林更铭 杨清良. 厦门岛周围海域浮游植物的种类组成及丰度[J]. 台湾海峡, 1994, 13(4): 353-358
作者姓名:林更铭 杨清良
摘    要:厦门岛周围海域浮游植物4个季度月(1990年2-11月)的调查结果表明:本海区被鉴定到种的浮游植物共141种,其中硅藻门125种,是浮游植物的主要门类。在数量组成中占绝对优势的有中肋骨条藻(62.87%)和旋链角刺藻(17.57%)。中肋骨条的密集区在河港湾,旋链角刺则在沿岸;浮游植物细胞总量和种类数的季节分布,年高峰在夏季,次高峰是春季;4季合计河口区的种类最多。文中还与1989年西海域浮游植物

关 键 词:浮游植物 种类组成 季节变化 厦门 藻类 福建

Abundance and species copmosition of phytoplankton in waters around Xiamen Island
Lin Gengming, Yang Qingliang and Lin Jinmei. Abundance and species copmosition of phytoplankton in waters around Xiamen Island[J]. Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait, 1994, 13(4): 353-358
Authors:Lin Gengming   Yang Qingliang  Lin Jinmei
Abstract:The present paper deals with The distribution and species composition of phytoplankton.The samples for the study were collected seasonally from the waters around the Xiamen Island during February to Novermber in 1990. The results show that there are abundant phytoplanktonic species (141 taxa recorded ), with diatoms (125)as the majority. The most important dominant species are Skeletonema costatum (accounting for 62. 87% of the total cell counts of phytoplankton ) and Chaetoceros curvisetus (17. 57% ). The concentration of the cell density of Skeletonema costatum is in the estry and harbour, while of Chaetoceros curvisetus in the neritic water. The annual peak of the cell counts and species number of phytoplankton appears in summer. The results are compared with that of 1989.
Keywords:Phytoplankton   species composition   seasonal variation   Xiamen Island
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