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A Clinopyroxene Paragenesis of Albite--Epidote--Amphibolite Facies in Meta-Syenites from the South-East Tauern Window, Austria
Authors:DROOP   G. T. R.
Affiliation:Department of Geology and Mineralogy Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3 PR
Abstract:Mineral assemblages and textures are described from clinopyroxene-bearingmeta-syenites and related rocks from a small area in the PenninicBasement Complex of the south-east Tauern Window. Evidence from mineral textures, mineral compositions and geobarometryindicate that the clinopyroxene, a sodic salite, crystallizedas part of an equilibrium albite-epidote-amphibolite faciesparagenesis in the 35–40 Ma meso-Alpine metamorphic event.Phase relations in co-facial quartz + albite + K-feldspar +sphene-bearing meta-syenites and meta-granites are examinedusing a projection from these minerals onto the plane (A12O3+ Fe2O3)-CaO-(MgO + FeO + MnO). The projection demonstratesthat salitic clinopyroxene can only be a stable phase in suchrocks if the bulk-rock Al/Na + K ratios are low. This is confirmedby comparing the whole-rock analyses of clinopyroxene-bearingmeta-syenites with those of clinopyroxene-free meta-syenitesand meta-granites. Mineral assemblages in a variety of lithologies from the south-eastTauern Window are used to construct a generalized AKM diagramfor magnesian albite + epidote + quartz-bearing rocks of thealbite-epidote-amphibolite facies. Thermochemical calculations indicate that the meta-syeniteswere metamorphosed at temperatures close to 500 C and at a pressureof 6+2 –4 kb. Fluids in equilibrium with meta-syeniteand meta-granite mineral assemblages had XH2O values of 0–95,assuming XH2O + XCO2O= 1.0.
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